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This page is more technical and likely not in interest for most of you, as you will likely never have to touch any of these files. It will explain how MBedwars is storing various informations internally. Generally, all non-config files are being stored within /plugins/MBedwars/data/
. The following sections are the relative paths of that.
File format: ConfigManager2
Purpose: Storing generic data that otherwise has no place to stay.
Syntax: <String world>, <double x>, <double y>, <double z>, <float yaw>, <float pitch>
Example: lobby,124.31185030800668,111.0,345.3296961101837,-46.251373,35.32427
Optional: Yes
The location to which the players are being teleported to after a match has ended. Can also be defined using /mbedwars sethubpos.
File format: ConfigManager2
Purpose: Contains a list of all spawned ranking statues that have been spawned using /mbedwars spawn rankingstatue.
Persists of a list of config trees. The name of each tree is irrelevant. Each tree may contain these configs:
Syntax: <int>
Example: 1
Optional: No
The place of the statue.
Syntax: <string>
Example: bedwarsworld1
Optional: No
The world in which the statue is located in.
Syntax: <double>
Example: 50.125
Optional: No
The value of the given coordinate.
Syntax: <float>
Example: 12.4
Optional: No
The yaw rotation of the statue.
Syntax: <UUID>
Example: 63ff4479-db44-4438-8ca5-41558e2a3bfc
Optional: Yes
In case the statue can be assigned to a specific player, the UUID may be immediately used and displayed after a restart without requiring any leaderboard position calculations beforehand.
Syntax: <string>
Example: Marcely1199
Optional: Yes
In case the statue can be assigned to a specific player, the name may be immediately used and displayed after a restart without requiring any leaderboard position calculations beforehand.
This folder persists of all arenas. Each arena has its own file that must end with an .cfg extension. The name of the file is the id or the name (in case customname is not being used) of the arena.
File format: ConfigManager2
Purpose: Storing the information of the given arena.
Syntax: <string>
Example: bedwarsgame1
Optional: Yes
The world in which the match is being held.
Syntax: <string>
Example: NORMAL
Optional: Yes
The environment of the world in which the match is being held. The values may be the following: NORMAL, NETHER, THE_END
It is being used in case the world is being loaded by MBedwars and not an actual world management plugin.
Syntax: <string>
Example: bucket {DisplayName:"§fMarmor"}
Optional: Yes
The icon is displayed on GUIs. The DisplayName NBT tag has no effect on the actual display name of the arena. Instead, it is being replaced with the actual display name of the arena immediately after it being loaded.
Syntax: <string>,<string>,<string>,...
Example: Notch,md5,Steve,Alex,Thomas
Optional: Yes
Contains all the authors that helped with the creation of the arena. Each name is being separated using a comma.
Syntax: <int>
Example: 2
Optional: Yes
The current status of the arena. The ids may mean the following:
Syntax: <string>
Example: lobbyworld5
Optional: Yes
The name of the world in which the lobby is located in. It is being used in case the world is being loaded by MBedwars and not an actual world management plugin.
Syntax: <string>
Example: NETHER
Optional: Yes
The environment of the world in which the match is being held. The values may be the following: NORMAL, NETHER, THE_END
It is being used in case the world is being loaded by MBedwars and not an actual world management plugin.
Syntax: <double>
Example: 123.54
Optional: Yes
The coordinates of the lobby.
Syntax: <float>
Example: 24.
Optional: Yes
The rotations of the lobby.
Syntax: <int>
Example: 134
Optional: Yes
Represents the corners of a region arena.
Syntax: <string>
Example: REGION
Optional: Yes
The regeneration type of the arena. The values may be: WORLD, REGION, VOTING
Syntax: <double x>,<double y>,<\double z>,<float yaw>,<float pitch>
Example: 3924.264764775641,77.0,-240.07093024816885,280.1987,24.228783
Optional: Yes
The position within the match to which the spectators are being teleported into.
Syntax: <int>
Example: 2
Optional: Yes
In case the regeneration type of the arena is REGION or WORLD, the given amount represents the actual amount of players per team. In case it is VOTING, playersinteam represents the maximum amount of players that may join the arena.
Syntax: <int>
Example: 2
Optional: Yes
The minimum amount of players required to start the countdown within lobby.
Syntax: <boolean>
Example: false
Optional: Yes
Whether the custom name feature is currently active or not. If it is not, the id of the arena is being used as the display name.
Syntax: <string>
Example: My Cool Arena
Optional: Yes
The custom name of the arena. Only being used in case flag-HasCustomName is set to true.
Syntax: <boolean>
Example: true
Optional: Yes
Whether a given team is enabled or not. Generally, only all teams that are active are being included within the files, as all other teams are automatically inactive.
Syntax: <double x>,<double y>,<double z>,<string direction>
Example: 3995.0,81.0,-330.0,NORTH
Optional: Yes
The location and rotation of a bed. The direction must be either of the following values: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST
Syntax: <double x>,<double y>,<\double z>,<float yaw>,<float pitch>
Example: 3924.264764775641,77.0,-240.07093024816885,280.1987,24.228783
Optional: Yes
The location within the match to which the players of each team are being teleported to.
Syntax: <string spawner type>,<double x>,<double y>,<double z>
Example: iron,3932.5,77.0,-241.5
Optional: Yes
It's legit for this config to exist multiple times within this file.
Syntax: <boolean>
Example: false
Optional: Yes
Whether the given match is being held within a slime world.
Syntax: <string>
Example: AAAACnByb3BlcnRpZXMLAAsAAAAGc3Bh and so on...
Optional: Yes
A base64 representation of the binary that is being used to store important informations about the slime world. The binary format is being constructed by MBedwars and is based on the CompoundTag that is being given by SWM.
This folder persists of all files that are needed to regenerate the match of an arena. Each name of the file is equal to the id of the arena. The extension of the files may variant on the arena itself:
In this case MBedwars will rely on the in-house built RegionRegeneratorV3. The file format of the given file is the following:
The payload persists of the following:
A String/UTF-8 byte array persists of the following:
Infos about compressed ints:
The zip file is a basic copy of the original vanilla folder. It will copy over the following folders:
This files contains all backups that have been created. You may use /mbedwars backup to manage them. Each zip contains the whole MBedwars folder, except the backup folder.
This folder contains various modules or libraries that are required for the plugin to work properly. They are being downloaded separately to prevent a large size of the plugin. This will help you in case you are having an empty folder.