A special item is a buyable item that can have unique behaviours when used while holding them in the hand. They can greatly increase the uniqueness, required strategy-thinking and fun of a round. By default, the following ones are included out-of-box and can optionally be added to the shop (if not already included within the template from the initial installation). Developers are able to add their own types easily using the API as well.
Player may teleport himself back to the spawn point of his base. Depending on the configurations, he must also wait for a short time period. A movement during that time period would cancel the teleportation process.
Id: Teleporter
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
teleporter-item: gunpowder
# If this config is enabled, players will have to wait a few seconds until they will be teleported
teleporter-countdown-enabled: true
# The time the player will have to wait until he will be teleported (in seconds)
teleporter-countdown: 5
A temporary dealer (or rather a item shop villager) spawns when used. Same shop GUI is shown as with the normal dealer within their base. A timer near their name indicates the time until they disappear.
Id: MiniShop
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
minishop-item: villager_spawn_egg
# The speed of the MiniShop
minishop-speed: 0.2
# The time in seconds until the MiniShop will disappear
minishop-existence-time: 20
Players may rescue themselves from falling into the void by quickly using the rescue platform item. By that, a small (and optionally temporary) platform spawns underneath them. They may not use it if they have already falling below the minimum world height.
Id: RescuePlatform
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
rescueplatform-item: slime_block
# The width of the rescue platform
rescueplatform-width: 2
# The material that will be placed when using the rescue platform
rescueplatform-material: minecraft:slime_block
# If players should take damage when landing on the rescue platform
rescueplatform-nodamage: true
# If the rescue platform should get destroyed automatically after a specified time
rescueplatform-autobreak-enabled: false
# The time in seconds when the rescue platform should get destroyed
rescueplatform-autobreak-time: 10
# The difference in the y-coordinate between the player and the spawning rescue platform
# It's recommended to have it at least at -2, otherwise it's likely that the player won't reach it
rescueplatform-y-difference: -2
Spawns an angry sheep with a ticking TNT on its back. Follows the enemies of the player who has spawned it and possibly causes an unavoidable death for them.
Id: TNTSheep
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
tntsheep-item: sheep_spawn_egg
# The speed of the TNT Sheep
tntsheep-speed: 0.33
# Adjusts the damage dealt by a TNT Sheep
tntsheep-damage-multiplier: 1.0
# The time in seconds until the TNT on the TNT sheep explodes
# It's not recommended to modify the value too much as it might break the animation
tntsheep-fuse-time: 5.0
Also check out the configs within the file that begin with explode-
as some of them may further control the behaviour and damage caused by the TNT explosion.
Players wearing these shoes may have a chance to not be affected by a knockback caused by an enemy hitting them.
Id: MagnetShoes
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
magneticshoes-item: chainmail_boots
Not to be confused by the traps that can be bought within the upgrade shop. The special item ones can actually be placed anywhere within the arena. Enemies walking over them will notify the player who has placed them. The enemy also receives various temporary effects, e.g. blindness and slowness. The trap automatically destroys itself once an enemy activated them.
Id: Trap
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
trap-item: stone_pressure_plate
# Specify here which potion effects the player shall gain after stepping on an enemy trap
# Usage: <potion effect name>:<duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec):<level>
- SLOW:160:3
# Wether traps are resistant to explosions or not
traps-resistant-to-explosions: false
Quickly builds a bridge for the player to walk on. Depending on the configurations, build materials may be required for it to built.
Id: Bridge
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
bridge-item: blue_dye
# The maximum length of the bridge
bridge-maxlength: 16
# Whether or not the player actually needs "bridge-material" in his inventory to build a bridge
# Setting this to false will also cause them to not be taken from the inventory
bridge-needsmaterials: true
# The material that will be placed
# It'll also take this block from the players' inventory when "bridge-needsmaterials" is enabled
bridge-material: minecraft:white_terracotta
A cute doggo that protects your base at all costs. It is not possible for him to die by falling into void, as he will be teleported back to the players base. Unless the dog is following an enemy, he will also be teleported to the base if he's too far away from it. It's possibly to modify it to an iron golem.
Id: GuardDog
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
guarddog-item: wolf_spawn_egg
# The entitytype of the guarddog
# Full list of types: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
guarddog-type: WOLF
# The amount of health with which the guarddog will spawn
guarddog-health: 20
# If this is true, guard dogs will remain around it's team's bed to fight off enemies
guarddog-stay-at-base: true
# If this is true, guard dogs won't take damage from teammates
guarddog-prevent-team-damage: true
# Can be used to increase, or decrease the damage dealt by guard dogs
guarddog-damage-multiplier: 1.0
# How many seconds a guard dog will live for. Set to -1 to make them live forever (until killed by a player).
guarddog-alive-duration: -1
# The text displayed over a guard dog's head when a player looks at them
# Placeholders: {team-color} {team} {seconds-lived} {seconds-left}
guarddog-display-name: ''
A compass that shows at the direction of the nearest enemy when used. Target position of the compass is more precisely the position the enemy had while the compass has was used. Thus the compass must be used repeatedly to keep track of the enemy continually.
Id: Tracker
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The time a player has to wait until he can use the tracker again (0 = instantly)
tracker-delay: 10.0
Shoots a fireball when used. A very effective method to cause a lot of damage from a far distance.
Id: Fireball
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
fireball-item: fire_charge
# Increasing this value will increase how far the player will get pushed away from a fireball
# It works by multiplying the velocity at the given axis with the value configured below
# You may configure the knockback for the xz-axis and the y-axis
# 0 = No knockback | 1 = Default | 2 = Knockback 2x greater | 3.5 = Knockback 3.5x greater | ...
fireball-multiplier-knockback-y: 0.9
fireball-multiplier-knockback-xz: 1.2
# This amount is being added to the velocity at the y axis before it is being multiplied with the values above
# 0 is the default vanilla value
fireball-add-knockback-y: 0.8
# The velocity at the given axis are being limited to the value configured below
fireball-max-knockback-y: 2.0
# Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will take from a fireball
fireball-multiplier-damage: 0.1
# Configure whether or not the fireball shall fly straight
fireball-fly-straight: true
# This config defines the fly speed of a fireball
# Setting this config too low can cause an error. Default is 1.0
fireball-fly-speed: 2.0
# If this config is enabled, the fireball is gonna fly at a constant speed
# With this disabled, the fireball will accelerate over time as how it is in vanilla
fireball-fly-speed-constant: true
# The yield/size of the explosion that the fireball will cause
fireball-yield: 3.5
Fireballs may also destroy beds depending on the bed-destroyableby-tnt
and bed-onlydestroyablewith-tnt
Players may walk over traps (includes both the placeable traps and the traps that can be bought within the upgrade shops) without actually activating them for a short period of time after drinking it.
Id: MagicMilk
Available configs (in config.yml):
# The material of the item for each special item
magic-milk-item: milk_bucket
# Set how long magic milk lasts
magic-milk-duration: 25
Developers are able to create add-ons that may add custom special items. One example is: