The file can be found at /MBedwars/config.yml
It is also not needed to delete it which each update. MBedwars will automatically handle that for you with each update.
You might also have a config.cm2
file. This one is not being used anymore since version 5.2. They are automatically being updated. This happens automatically with the start of the server, however, only make sure that the config.yml
file doesn't already exist.
Also available at:
Click to open:
version: 5.4.15
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# .--.--..-----..----. /___ \/ // /_
# | | || -__|| _| __ ____/ /__ __/
# \___/ |_____||__| |__| /_____(_)/_/
# Thank you for choosing Marcely's Bedwars!
# Having trouble getting it set up? Looking for a tutorial?
# Check out the official Wiki:
# The messages, which the plugin is sending to the player, will be taken of that file (located in the 'languages' folder)
# If 'language-per-player' is also enabled then this language is also automatically the default language for players whose language hasn't been created
language-file: english.yml
# Enabling this will cause the plugin to load every messages file of the 'folder'
# The plugin will then automatically send the message in the language of the player
# The RAM usage will increase as every message from every language has to be kept in memory
# A few messages, such as those in the scoreboard, may remain in the same language as 'language-file'
language-per-user: false
# An addition to "language-per-user": Players require the permission mbedwars.langperuser for it to work
# "language-per-user" must be set to true as well when using this feature
language-per-user-requires-permission: false
# If this config is enabled then only people with the permission 'mbedwars.beta' will be able to join
beta: false
# If this config is enabled then the world's time will be fixed to 5000 (day light)
# This effect is only noticable for playing players and spectators
always-day: true
# If this config is enabled then the world won't rain for playing players and spectators anymore
no-rain: true
# Enabling this config causes the plugin to save the players inventory before they enter an arena
# Once they leave the arena their inventory will be replaced by the saved one
# If disabled then their inventory won't change causing them to keep the items they got from bedwars
# Because of that it's not recommended to disable it, unless you decide to e.g. use "inventory-clear" or don't want the plugin to replace the items from your hub
inventory-backup: true
# Enable/disable if it shall clear the players inventory after he left an arena
# This config has no effect when "inventory-backup" is enabled
inventory-clear: true
# If this config is enabled, people can't change their gamemode to creative or enable flying
anticheat-enabled: false
# Setting this to false causes the "player x left the arena" message to not getting displayed when he forcefully left because he got destroyed
leavemessage-at-end: true
# Players will leave the round if they're using one of these commands
- /hub
- /spawn
- /leave
- /l
# Decide whether you agree with sharing certain details that may be used for statistics of global interest
# We use them to identify the aspects on which we should put more focus on (such as bugs etc) and to possibly share them with the community
# Note that disabling this config won't disable the update checker and the depdendency downloader, as they are required for the general functionality of the plugin
# We collect the following info:
# Errors/warnings caused by this plugin, Server version (Same info as from "/version" command), Player counts (Total & playing Bedwars, current & max),
# Created arena count, Used storage type (Only the type, no credentials), Configured language, IP/MAC (Used to aggregate clients by Country),
# Active plugins (Used to identify errors caused by compatibility issues)
metrics: true
# Whether or not a player alone on a team (with a bed) is able to rejoin a game if they get disconnected/leave
solo-rejoin-enabled: false
# How many seconds a solo player has to rejoin before their bed will automatically be destroyed, and their team eliminated.
solo-rejoin-time: 30
# If this config is enabled, the player's name will be colored (works via packets (you won't see the color of players if they're in an other team))
player-color: true
# The server will automatically restart itself if this config is enabled and when an arena ends
restart-oncearenaend: false
# Players will get kicked if they're teleporting themselves more than 12 blocks away from their location while they're in a playing round
# Admins will still be permitted to teleport
kick-outofarena: true
# Players will get kicked if they're teleporting themself within a lobby
kick-outofarena-lobby: true
# Disabling this will remove the message which is coming when a player is entering or leaving the server
# If true, this plugin won't make any changes to these messages
server-joinquitmessage-enabled: true
# Setting this to false will (almost) completely disable the use of actionbar messages
actionbar-enabled: true
# Will hide players that aren't in the round from playing players
# Spectators are also getting hidden
# Spectators will only see themself and players inside the round
tab-removenonplayers: false
# Will hide playing players and spectators for non-playing players
# Nobody will see spectators when this is enabled
tab-removeplayers: false
# With this config set to false, no mobs (animals and monsters) are going to spawn within the arenas
# Most plugins shouldn't be affected by this
natural-mob-spawning-enabled: false
# Define the cases in which it's okay that a mob spawns
# Complete list:
# Note that not all spawn reasons exist in older versions
# This config is required if you are using upgrades, as it sets the radius of a base's size. The center point is the bed location
upgrade-spawnsize: 15
# If this config is disabled then the hunger level of the players won't change (Only ingame)
hunger: true
# Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will take from falling
fall-damage-multiplier: 1.0
# Disabling this causes the player to not being able to interact with specific materials
# These include: workbench, anvil, furnace, beacon, hopper and enchanting table
interacting: false
# The message that'll be sent when a player is receiving an achievement
# Placeholders: {name}, {description}
- '&7&m========================='
- '&6 &l%Achievement_get_title%'
- '&f{name}: '
- '&d {description}'
- '&7&m========================='
# Disable/enable the auto teambalance in the lobby
# It tries to make the teams as fair as possible
# Warning: Disabling this will make it possible for all players to join the same, single team (thereby having no enemies)
# It is only recommended to disable this if you have your own implementation or play with people you trust
teambalance: true
# If this config is enabled then the configs which start with 'giveitems-on-' will work
giveitems-on-enabled: false
# Specify here which items should be given on round start
# 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
- wooden_sword
- apple 5
# Specify here which armor items should be set to the inventory slots on round start
# 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
- leather_boots
- leather_leggings
- leather_helmet
# Specify here which items should be given on respawn
# 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
- wooden_axe
- apple 4
# Specify here which armor items should be set to the inventory slots on respawn
# 'giveitems-on-enabled' has to be enabled for that!
- leather_helmet
# Specify here which potion effects the player shall gain after he respawns
# "giveitems-on-enabled" has no effect to this
# Usage: <potion effect name>:<duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec):<level>
# If false, players won't be able to move or drop the armor in their inventory
armor-interactable: true
# This command gets executed when a round starts
executeon-roundstart: ''
# Configure the way commands added to "blocked-commands" will be treated
# You may choose between:
# - DISABLED: The config has no effect
# - BLACKLIST: The specific commands will be permitted
# - WHITELIST: All commands, apart from these, will be blocked
blocked-commands-mode: BLACKLIST
# These commands will be blocked / permitted for players and spectators
# Configure the exact behaviour using the "blocked-commands-mode" config
# Syntax: /<command>
# Example: /tpa
# -> This will block all variants of "/tpa", including "/TpA" or "/tpa player123"
- /tpa
- /sethome
- /lock
- /tpahere
- /tpaccept
- /enderchest
# The armor is naturally visible when having the invisibility potion effect
# This config allows you to hide the players armor when set to true
invisibility-hides-armor: true
# If this config is enabled, the particles of the invisibility potion effect will be removed
# The config "invisibility-hides-armor" has to be enabled for this to work
invisibility-hides-armor-remove-particles: false
# You may spawn further potion particles while a player is invisible
# The greater the value, the more particles are being spawned
# The config "invisibility-hides_armor_remove-particles" has to be enabled and "invisibility-hides-armor" has to be disabled for this to work
invisibility-hides-armor-extra-particles-count: 4
# Team chests can be opened by all players of the team, from any chest of the configured type inside the arena
# Some people may prefer to use regular chests as team chests
teamchest-enabled: true
# Specify which chest variant shall be used as the team chest
# You may decide between ENDER_CHEST and CHEST
teamchest-block: chest
# If true, players will not be able to purchase items from the shop outside of the arena
# This could be useful for allowing players to edit their QuickBuy in lobbies
block-purchases-outside-running-arenas: false
# By default, if an item will not fit into a players inventory, it will drop on the ground next to them
# This will prevent players from purchasing items that would not fit in their inventory
block-purchases-when-inventory-full: false
# [FOR DEVS] Define whether MBedwars should respect other plugin's event cancellations
# The events that are being affected by this config are: BlockPlace, BlockBreak, EntityDamage, EntityDamageByEntity
# If this is set to true, then the plugin will not execute any actions if one of the events has been cancelled by another plugin
# It is recommended to keep this at false, as it may otherwise cause unexpected behaviour
# One purpose of this config is to fix potential conflicts with anti cheats
respect-event-cancellations: false
# ========== LOBBY ==========
# The countdown time that should be set when using forcestart
forcestart-time: 10
# false: The force-start lobby item and the command "/bw forcestart" requires the minimum players count to be fulfilled
# true: The force-start lobby item and the command "/bw forcestart" may be used, even if they are the only ones in the arena
forcestart-ignoreminplayers: false
# This calculation is being used when the countdown in the lobby is starting.
# Changing this value to low is dangerous.
# Placeholder: {teams}, {teamplayers}
lobby-countdownstart-calculation: ({teamplayers} + {teams}) * 10 + 1
# How many seconds a player has to wait before before being sent back to the lobby after
# clicking the leave item. They can cancel the leave by clicking again in this time.
# Set to 0 to make it instant
lobby-leaveitem-time: 0
# The percentage of players needed an an arenas lobby for the countdown to automatically shorten
auto-shorten-countdown-percent: 70
# The the amount of seconds the arena should wait to start once auto-shorten-countdown-percent is reached
auto-shorten-countdown-time: 15
# If true, particle animations will be played when a player joins or leaves an arenas lobby
lobby-join-leave-particles: true
# The expbar is being animated in case this config is enabled
# Animations include the remaining time slowly decreasing on the exp bar
# and the level displaying the amount of seconds left to start
lobby-exbar-animation: true
# If this config is enabled, the lines by the config 'lobby-printmapinfo-lines' will be printed in the lobby in the 10th second
lobby-printmapinfo-enabled: true
# The lines which will be printed before the game begins
# Placeholder: {arena}, {madeby}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {teamsize}
# You can use ^# to create space
lobby-printmapinfo-lines: []
# This message will be displayed at the same time as the printmapinfo
# Placeholder: {arena}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {author}
lobby-countdowntitle-arena: '&b{arena}'
# These titles which will be displayed at the given second until the game ends
'0': '&4⓿'
'1': '&4➀'
'2': '&c➁'
'3': '&6➂'
'4': '&e④'
'5': '&e⑤'
# If this config is enabled and if a player is changing than he will wear the dyed item 'lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-material'
lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-enabled: true
# The armor that the player will wear
# 'lobby-team-onchange-wearcloth-enabled' has to be enabled for this
- leather_chestplate
# If the stats should be shown in the endlobby
lobby-endstats-enabled: true
# If the time until the player is getting kicked should be shown in the endlobby
endlobby-show-kick-time: true
# How long the players should remain in the endlobby state until they get kicked out
# Making the value of this config is dangerous and can cause unexpected and unwanted problems
endlobby-countdown-time: 90
# Whether or not players are able to fly in endlobby
endlobby-flying: false
# Setting this to true causes all remaining players and spectators to get teleported back to the lobby during the endlobby phase
# By this their inventory gets cleared up, spectators get back visible, etc.
# If set to false then the players and spectators are staying where they already are and don't get moved back
# This set to false can be useful when using the lobbybreak feature
endlobby-tptolobby: true
# If the lobby should get destroyed after the arena starts
# NOTE: If your lobby is outside of your arena, this config will have no effect
lobbybreak-enabled: false
# The radius at which the blocks will get destroyed with the lobby point being at the middle
# 'lobbybreak-enabled' has to be enabled for this
lobbybreak-radius: 15
# ========== ARENA VOTING ==========
# Set the maximum amount of arenas which should get voted
arenavoting-maxarenas: 3
# ========== AUTOMATED ARENA CLONING ==========
# [BETA] This is a feature that automatically creates duplicates of arenas so that there are always arenas available for one to join
# The whole system is basically fully automatic. After a cloned arena has gone through a match, it will be deleted and a new one is being generated
# It works with both region and world arenas
# In case your arena is a world, a new world is being temporarily created while the arena exists. This occurs with every cloned arena, meaning that you might experience a large increase in worlds count and RAM usage
# If your arena is instead a region, then all cloned match areas are being collected in a single world. There's an offset with each one, meaning that they won't collide with each other
# However, keep in mind that it makes sense to use this together with the "lobbybreak-enabled" config in case you've got arenas of the type region as the lobby itself is not being cloned
# In case that config is enabled, the lobby of the cloned arena is being aligned to match the one that was copied using the copy of the playable area
# If that config is disabled, then all players of the cloned arenas and the normal one will be brought into the one that has been configured
# It could make sense to instead enable "tab-removenonplayers" as the players from the other arenas won't be seen with that
auto-cloning-enabled: false
# Define the names of the arenas that shall be excluded from auto cloning
- second-excluded-arena
- first-excluded-arena
# How many cloned arenas that are waiting for players (arenas in LOBBY state) shall be provided for each arena
auto-cloning-lobby-arenas-count: 1
# Which modes (players per team) shall be provided
# Basically, you may auto assign certain players per team for cloned arenas
# It only makes sense to have the same or less amount as specified within the "auto-cloning-lobby-arenas-count" config
# An example would be:
# auto-cloning-lobby-arenas-count: 4
# auto-cloning-modes: [1, 2, 3, 4]
auto-cloning-modes: []
# Amount of clones of an arena that may exist during the same time
# Use -1 to not have any limit
auto-cloning-max-per-arena: -1
# The prefix which the newly created worlds shall have
# It is not recommended to change this after auto-cloning has been enabled. Or better yet, keep this config as it is
# It is very important that you understand that these worlds are being deleted automatically and that you may lose something when acting careless
auto-cloning-world-prefix: MBedwars-autoclone-
# ========== BED ==========
# If this config is enabled, players can destroy the bed of their team
ownbed-destroyable: false
# Set the block that should be destroyed in a round
bed-block: minecraft:white_bed[facing=north,occupied=false,part=foot]
# The plugin will automatically dye the beds to the corresponding team's color when enabled
bed-block-dye: true
# The itemspawner that'll be dropped when a player is destroying a bed
bed-drops-type: gold
# The amount of the materials that will be dropped once a player destroyed a bed (it'll take the material of the spawner by the config 'bed-drops-type')
bed-drops-amount: 4
# If it's possible to break the bed with TNT or other kinds of explosions (like a fireball, TNT Sheep etc.)
bed-destroyableby-tnt: true
# Enabling this config will it make so that players will not be able to break beds by hand
# They then MUST use TNT or something that causes an explosion (like a fireball) to break it
# Make sure "bed-destroyableby-tnt" is set to true, otherwise this config won't have any effect
bed-onlydestroyablewith-tnt: false
# Enabling this config will spawn a hologram above every living bed with the message of the config 'bed-hologram-message-alive'
bed-hologram-enabled: true
# The message which is being displayed as a hologram above the bed when it's not broken. 'bed-hologram-enabled' has to be enabled for this!
# Placeholders: {teamcolor}, {team}, {heart}
bed-hologram-message-alive: '{teamcolor}{team}'
# Disabling this will cause that the player won't be able to interact with the bed block which you've placed during set-up
# This will cause the 'You can only sleep at night' message to not appear
bed-interactable: false
# ========== SPAWNERS ==========
# If this config is enabled, iron and gold will make particles once they spawn
itemspawner-effect: true
# If this config is enabled, iron and gold will make a sound when they spawn
itemspawner-sound: true
# If this config is enabled, all itemspawners will automatically center in the block you place them in.
# Set this to false if you want to be able to set an exact position.
itemspawner-auto-center: true
# The height of the item spawner holograms
spawnerhologram-height: 0.5
# The animation speed of the item spawner holograms
spawnerhologram-speed: 5
# Enabling this will cause the holograms of the spawners that are located within the players base to get hidden
# Use the config "upgrade-spawnsize" to specify the radius of the team spawn
spawnerhologram-hide-playerbase: false
# "Smart Item Sharing" is a system that causes dropped items to be shared between players equally
# The vanilla minecraft system works by preferring one player while others don't obtain anything
# This only works with items that itemspawners drop
smart-item-sharing-enabled: true
# ========== STATISTICS ==========
# Display their statistics when they're writing /stats while they're inside an arena
allowcommand-stats: true
# Addition to "allowcommand-stats": Allow them to do that even when they're not in an arena
allowcommand-stats-global: false
# The statistic which the ranking order will be calculated by
ranking-sortation: bedwars:wl
# How frequently (in minutes) the rank of the player shall be calculated
# Setting this to -1 will also completely disable the automatic calculation. You must use /bw tools recalcstats instead to update them
recalculate-ranking-auto-period: 15
# How should the playing time be displayed
# Placeholders: {days}, {hours}, {minutes}, {seconds}. Will take them from the configs below
display-counting-time: '{days} {hours} {minutes} {seconds}'
# What it should insert for placeholders in "display-counting-time"
display-counting-time-entry-days: '{value}d'
display-counting-time-entry-hours: '{value}h'
display-counting-time-entry-minutes: '{value}m'
display-counting-time-entry-seconds: '{value}s'
# If true, we will only insert the "display-counting-time-entry-*" placeholders when they're not equal to 0
display-counting-time-entry-only-nonnull: true
# Used to enable a system that prevents player from repeatedly obtaining stats by abusing the system
# This includes playing a 1v1 with an alt and to make him leave immediately (whereby your main gets a win counted)
stats-antiabuse-enabled: true
# See "stats-antiabuse-enabled" to enable this feature and what it is about
# With the ones in the following in particiular, stats don't get counted if the past x rounds were won within y minutes
stats-antiabuse-count-round-min-duration: 5.0
stats-antiabuse-count-wins-count: 2
# ========== BLOCK BREAK/PLACE ==========
# What should happen with weird/unusual block drops
# (like web that drops string or ender chests that drop obsidian)
# Possible options:
# - KEEP = Don't change the drops
# - REPLACE_WITH_BLOCK_MATERIAL = Replace the drops with the broken block
# - REMOVE = Remove the drops completely, so that they drop nothing at all
unusual-blockdrops-handling: REPLACE_WITH_BLOCK_MATERIAL
# Setting this to false cancels block spreading, this includes e.g.:
# - Fire spreading / Fire breaking blocks. It does not prevent fire from existing in the first place
# - Mushrooms spreading
block-spreading-enabled: false
# Setting this to false cancels block forming, this includes e.g.:
# - Snow forming due to a snow storm (this may even happen even if no-rain is enabled)
# - Ice forming in a snowy Biome like Taiga or Tundra
# - Obsidian / Cobblestone forming due to contact with water
# - Concrete forming due to mixing of concrete powder and water
block-forming-enabled: false
# If this config is enabled, leaves will not decay inside arenas
prevent-leaves-decay: true
# If this config is disabled, the configs which start with 'notbuildableradius-' won't work
notbuildableradius-enabled: false
# The radius in which players aren't to place/break blocks around shops and upgrade shops (0 = disable)
notbuildableradius-dealers: 3
# The radius in which players aren't to place/break blocks at team spawnpoints (0 = disable)
notbuildableradius-teamspawn: 3
# The radius in which players aren't to place/break blocks at itemspawners (0 = disable)
notbuildableradius-itemspawner: 3
# Prevents water from flowing into the notbuildableradius
notbuildableradius-permit-block-liquidflow: true
# If this config is enabled, and a player is buying for example wool, the wool will be dyed to his team-color
dye-block: true
# By default (this config set to true), only specific block materials are placeable. This includes the ones available in the shop.
# You may add your own ones to the whitelist using the "placeableblock-whitelist" config.
# However, you can completely disable the whitelist by setting this config to false. By this all materials become breakable & placeable.
# Keep in mind that non-material related configs, such as "destroyblock-builtbyplayers", can still have an effect on limiting the blocks that are breakable.
placeableblock-whitelist-enabled: true
# In this config you're able to add blocks that players can place
# Purchasable blocks are automatically in this list
# Example: placeableblock-whitelist: wood, dark_oak_door, cake
placeableblock-whitelist: []
# If this config is disabled, players can't trample on wheat anymore
destroyable-farmland: true
# Players will be able to extinguish fire by left clicking on it
destroyable-fire: true
# This config will cause players to only be able to destroy blocks which have been placed by other players in the arena.
# By which it's not possible to break the arena.
destroyblock-builtbyplayers: true
# Whether hanging entities (like paintings, item frames, leashes, etc.) are interactable and breakable
# See "All Known Subinterfaces" for what counts as hanging
hanging-interactable: false
# ========== EXPLOSIVES ==========
# TNT will get ignited automatically on place
tnt-autoignite: true
# The time in seconds until the auto-ignited TNT explodes
# It's not recommended to modify the value too much as it might break the animation
# Requires tnt-autoignite to be enabled
tnt-fuse-time: 3.0
# The yield/size of the explosion that the auto-ignited TNT will cause
# Requires tnt-autoignite to be enabled
tnt-yield: 4.0
# Explosions won't break any blocks if this config is disabled
explosion-canbreakblocks: true
# If this config is enabled then explosions will only break blocks placed by players
# Make sure to also set "explosion-canbreakblocks" to true, otherwise this config won't have any effect
explosion-canbreakblocks-breakby-player: true
# Inter alia these blocks won't get broken by tnt or creepers
explosion-blocks-blacklist: []
# Entities that will not take damage from explosions
# Increasing this value will increase how far the player will get pushed away from explosives such as tnt
# It works by multiplying the velocity at the given axis with the value configured below
# You may configure the knockback for the xz-axis and the y-axis
# 0 = No knockback | 1 = Default | 2 = Knockback 2x greater | 3.5 = Knockback 3.5x greater | ...
explosive-multiplier-knockback-y: 0.9
explosive-multiplier-knockback-xz: 1.2
# This amount is being added to the velocity at the y axis before it is being multiplied with the values above
# 0 is the default vanilla value
explosive-add-knockback-y: 0.8
# The velocity at the given axis are being limited to the value configured below
explosive-max-knockback-y: 2.0
# Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will get from explosives such as tnt
explosive-multiplier-damage: 0.1
# Increasing this value will increase how far the player will get pushed away from a fireball
# It works by multiplying the velocity at the given axis with the value configured below
# You may configure the knockback for the xz-axis and the y-axis
# 0 = No knockback | 1 = Default | 2 = Knockback 2x greater | 3.5 = Knockback 3.5x greater | ...
fireball-multiplier-knockback-y: 0.9
fireball-multiplier-knockback-xz: 1.2
# This amount is being added to the velocity at the y axis before it is being multiplied with the values above
# 0 is the default vanilla value
fireball-add-knockback-y: 0.8
# The velocity at the given axis are being limited to the value configured below
fireball-max-knockback-y: 2.0
# Increasing this value will increase the amount of the damage players will take from a fireball
fireball-multiplier-damage: 0.1
# Configure whether or not the fireball shall fly straight
fireball-fly-straight: true
# This config defines the fly speed of a fireball
# Setting this config too low can cause an error. Default is 1.0
fireball-fly-speed: 2.0
# If this config is enabled, the fireball is gonna fly at a constant speed
# With this disabled, the fireball will accelerate over time as how it is in vanilla
fireball-fly-speed-constant: true
# The yield/size of the explosion that the fireball will cause
fireball-yield: 3.5
# Affects configs: explosion-blocks-blacklist, tnt-canbreakblocks-breakby-player
# Setting this to true will allow only affected blocks to be destroyed by explosions, and not blocks covered by blast-proof blocks
# Illustration: [D][O] X
# X is the explosion, [D] is a regular block and [O] is blast-proof. There is a chance [D] will be destroyed when this config set to false
# This config requires additional complex math and may cause lag
explosion-raycheck: true
# ========== DEATH ==========
# If this config is enabled, particles will be created at the location a player dies
particles-ondeath: true
# Tries to not to display the "You died!" screen when enabled
# Enhanced support for 1.15+: Screen will be skipped altogether
# There is a super short flicker on 1.14 and older due to technical limitations
death-skipscreen: true
# Players will enter the spectator mode for a short time when they die
death-spectate-enabled: true
# Whether or not players should stay where they are when they die to spectate, or go to the spectator spawn point
death-spectate-at-death-location: true
# Addition to the "death-spectate-enabled" config:
# Configure how long the player shall stay as a spectator
death-spectate-time: 5
# Will display the "respawn in" message as a title and not above the hotbar
death-spectate-respawnmsg-astitle: true
# When enabled: Players will instantly die when they touch water
diein-water: false
# Define what method should be used to determine when a player shall be auto-killed when he is falling out of the arena
# Possible options are:
# - DISABLED: He will slowly earn damage as known from vanilla
# - BOTTOM_ARENA_BORDER: The player will die when he reaches the bottom of the arena
# - VOID: The player will die when he obtains void damage (-70 blocks below world end)
# - Y_LEVEL: The player will die when he reaches a certain y level (see config "diein-boundary-y-level")
diein-boundary-method: BOTTOM_ARENA_BORDER
# The y level at which a player will die
# This config is only relevant when "diein-boundary-method" is set to Y_LEVEL
diein-boundary-y-level: 0
# No items and exp will be dropped in case a player dies during a match
# Note: This config has no effect in case "drop-only-itemspawner" is active
no-drops: true
# Players will only drop the spawner items that they were previously carrying
# Experience will be dropped as well, in case he has any
# This config has a greater priority than the "no-drops" config
drop-only-itemspawner: true
# Killers will automatically pick up the drops of their victims when enabled
drops-killer-auto-pickup: false
# If a player dies in the void shortly after their bed is destroyed, their death is rewarded as a kill to the bed destroyer
# The time is defined by the config "rage_quit_auto_detect"
reward-recent-deaths-to-bed-destroyer: true
# If a player leaves to try and prevent a damager from getting a kill, the damager will get the kill anyway
# This config will also detect if a player leaves after a bed is destroyed, and rewards the kill to the bed destroyer
rage-quit-auto-detect: true
# The time in seconds after getting damaged / his bed destroyed in which a player is considered to have rage quit, in case he leaves
# This config is only relevant when "rage-quit-auto-detect" is enabled
rage-quit-auto-detect-max-time: 15
# ========== DEATH MESSAGE ==========
# It'll completely remove the deathmessage. Any other 'deathmessage-*' won't have any affect if enabled!
deathmessage-remove: false
# If this config is enabled, death-messages by playing players won't be visible for players who aren't playing
deathmessage-private: true
# If this config is enabled, death-messages will be changed
deathmessage-custom-enabled: true
# How the custom deathmessages has to look like
# Placeholder: {player}, {killer}, {team}, {teamcolor}, {killerteam}, {killerteamcolor}, {heartpercent} (0-100), {heartvisibleamount} (0-10), {heartamount} (0-20)
- '&b%DeathMessage_Killed_1%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Killed_2%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Killed_3%'
# Placeholder for any of these: {player}, {team}, {teamcolor}
- '&b%DeathMessage_Void_1%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Void_2%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Explosion_1%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Explosion_2%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Fall_1%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Fall_2%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Fire_1%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Fire_2%'
- '&b%DeathMessage_Default_1%'
# ========== PRIZE ==========
# If this config is enabled prizes will be given to the winners & losers
prize-enabled: false
# The command that'll be executed for every player who wins a round
# Uses also vault to identify if he earned money and will send him a message with the amount
# Arguments: {name}, {uuid}
- eco give {name} 15
# The command that'll be executed for every player who loses a round
# Arguments: {name}, {uuid}
- eco give {name} 5
# ========== PERFORMANCE ==========
# This config essentially allows you to regulate how often you want stuff to get updated
# Options:
# - Very_Low: Animations will look worse but performance will be better
# - Low
# - Normal: Looking good and not having to sacrifice too much performance
# - High
# - Ultra: Animations will look great but might decrease performance
# Things it's affecting:
# - Animation fluency of itemspawner holograms
# - Time until the auto-merging system kicks in
# - Animation fluency of expbar in lobby
# - Period time until border gets updated/displayed
# - Period time until upgraded effects get updated
performance: Normal
# Change the regeneration speed of an arena
# Only works for arenas who have region as the regeneration type
# The value basically defines the percentage of a tick that'll be used to process it
# 100% will consume the whole tick and by that cause lags. 1% won't cause any lag, but it'll take way longer for it to finish
regeneration-speed-percentage: 15.0
# How many arenas can get regenerated at the same time
# The arena is getting added to a queue when the configured amount gets reached
# World arenas always get regenerated at once to avoid the server from freezing -> this config only has effect on region arenas
regeneration-amount-at-the-same-time: 2
# Use a more optimized regenerator for region arenas
# With this, we have noticed an ~40x improvement in the regeneration speed for larger arenas
# Note that it will still use the legacy way for older stored region files. You will be warned in the console in that case
regeneration-region-efficient: true
# Also store and regenerate biomes for region arenas (1.15+ only)
# !! Regeneration time increases by 30 times with this enabled!
# Note that you must save the blocks again after you enabled this (/mbedwars arena saveblocks <arena>)
# You may use "/mbedwars arena saveblocks *" (keep the star) to execute this automatically for all of your arenas
# Also note that you must save the blocks again after you disabled this, otherwise you won't notice a difference for the arenas with biomes included
regeneration-region-store-biomes: false
# Will store & regenerate worlds using the SlimeWorldManager when enabled.
# SlimeWorldManager does not have to be faster than our format. You might want to test between region, world and swm and check what fits you the best.
# Only works for arenas whose type is "world". You can check whether or not an arena is using the format using "/bw arena info <arena name>".
# Make sure that the world is already loaded by SWM, otherwise the plugin will keep it in our format.
# Furthermore, disabling SlimeWorldManager causes arenas that currently are in use of the format to break.
# To migrate to or from the format use "/bw arena saveblocks <arena name>". Make sure that your arena is clean, you might want to run "/bw arena regenerate <arena name>" beforehand.
slimeworldmanager-enabled: true
# A border at the corner of region arenas will be displayed if this config is enabled
border: true
# Define whether you want to use an alternative border renderer that uses a lot less traffic
# The disadvantage is that it won't look as pretty
# "border" must be set to true for this to function in the first place
border-efficent-alternative: false
# ========== INGAME/ROUND TIMER ==========
# If this config is enabled then an arena will automatically stop after a countdown has stopped
timer-enabled: true
# The amount of time until an arena will end by itself (in seconds)
timer: 1800
# ========== SPECTATING ==========
# If this config is enabled, people who aren't playing can spectate a running game
spectating: true
# Dead players will automatically enter the spectator mode if this config is enabled
spectator-autojoin: true
# The types of speed that the player can choose with the ChangeSpeed item
# Each type should be build like this: <name>:<speed>
# The default speed is 1, the max value is 10
- '&21:1.0'
- '&a2:1.5'
- '&63:2.0'
- '&c4:2.5'
- '&45:3.0'
# If this config is disabled, players will not see the teleporter GUI when they are in death spectate
spectator-tp-gui-visible-on-death-spectate: true
# If spectators should have the night vision effect
spectator-nightvision: false
# With this config enabled, spectators may right click ingame players to spectate within their POV
spectator-permit-other-player-view: true
# If this config is enabled, spectators may not surpass the arena's border
# This only has an effect for region arenas. Even with this disabled, they will be restricted by the world's min and max height to avoid complications
# Generally, you don't want to disable this, unless you are certain there is only a single arena in the world and otherwise its all void
spectator-restricted-by-border: true
# ========== SPECIAL ITEMS ==========
# If this config is enabled, players won't be able to buy special items, unless they're allowed to buy them.
# The permission for each special item is: mbedwars.specialitem.<special item id>
# List of IDs:
specialitem-requiredpermission: false
# The material of the item for each special item
teleporter-item: gunpowder
minishop-item: villager_spawn_egg
rescueplatform-item: slime_block
tntsheep-item: sheep_spawn_egg
magneticshoes-item: chainmail_boots
trap-item: stone_pressure_plate
bridge-item: blue_dye
guarddog-item: wolf_spawn_egg
fireball-item: fire_charge
magic-milk-item: milk_bucket
# If this config is enabled, players will have to wait a few seconds until they will be teleported
teleporter-countdown-enabled: true
# The time the player will have to wait until he will be teleported (in seconds)
teleporter-countdown: 5
# The speed of the MiniShop
minishop-speed: 0.2
# The time in seconds until the MiniShop will disappear
minishop-existence-time: 20
# The width of the rescue platform
rescueplatform-width: 2
# The material that will be placed when using the rescue platform
rescueplatform-material: minecraft:slime_block
# If players should take damage when landing on the rescue platform
rescueplatform-nodamage: true
# If the rescue platform should get destroyed automatically after a specified time
rescueplatform-autobreak-enabled: false
# The time in seconds when the rescue platform should get destroyed
rescueplatform-autobreak-time: 10
# The difference in the y-coordinate between the player and the spawning rescue platform
# It's recommended to have it at least at -2, otherwise it's likely that the player won't reach it
rescueplatform-y-difference: -2
# The speed of the TNT Sheep
tntsheep-speed: 0.33
# Adjusts the damage dealt by a TNT Sheep
tntsheep-damage-multiplier: 1.0
# The time in seconds until the TNT on the TNT sheep explodes
# It's not recommended to modify the value too much as it might break the animation
tntsheep-fuse-time: 5.0
# The maximum length of the bridge
bridge-maxlength: 16
# Whether or not the player actually needs "bridge-material" in his inventory to build a bridge
# Setting this to false will also cause them to not be taken from the inventory
bridge-needsmaterials: true
# The material that will be placed
# It'll also take this block from the players' inventory when "bridge-needsmaterials" is enabled
bridge-material: minecraft:white_terracotta
# The time a player has to wait until he can use the tracker again (0 = instantly)
tracker-delay: 10.0
# Specify here which potion effects the player shall gain after stepping on an enemy trap
# Usage: <potion effect name>:<duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec):<level>
- SLOW:160:3
# Wether traps are resistant to explosions or not
traps-resistant-to-explosions: false
# The entitytype of the guarddog
# Full list of types:
guarddog-type: WOLF
# The amount of health with which the guarddog will spawn
guarddog-health: 20
# If this is true, guard dogs will remain around it's team's bed to fight off enemies
guarddog-stay-at-base: true
# If this is true, guard dogs won't take damage from teammates
guarddog-prevent-team-damage: true
# Can be used to increase, or decrease the damage dealt by guard dogs
guarddog-damage-multiplier: 1.0
# How many seconds a guard dog will live for. Set to -1 to make them live forever (until killed by a player).
guarddog-alive-duration: -1
# The text displayed over a guard dog's head when a player looks at them
# Placeholders: {team-color} {team} {seconds-lived} {seconds-left}
guarddog-display-name: ''
# Set how long magic milk lasts
magic-milk-duration: 25
# ========== GUIS ==========
# The material of each team in the select team gui
gui-selectteam-teammaterial: white_wool
# The order in which teams will display on the team select GUI
gui-selectteam-sortation: []
# The lore lines of each team material in the select team gui
# Placeholders: {eachplayer}, {players}, {allplayers}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {maxplayersperteam}
- '&7%Members%:'
- '{eachplayer}'
# Same as the "gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore" config, only that this one is being disabled when there are no members in the team
- '&7%No_Members%'
# The {eachplayer} placeholder for the config gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore
# Adds new lines between the original line that included the {eachplayer} placeholder for each member of the team
# Placeholders: {name}
gui-selectteam-teammaterial-lore-eachplayer: '&7- &f{name}'
# The background material in the select team gui
gui-selectteam-backgroundmaterial: air
# If the select team gui should be centered
gui-selectteam-centered: true
# The text that will be used for the items within the achievements GUI, varying between if the achievements has been earned or not
# Available placeholders: {name}, {description}, {earn-date}
- '&c{name}'
- ' &7&l????'
- '&a{name}'
- ' &f{description}'
- ''
- '&7&o{earn-date}'
# The materials that will be used in the achievements GUI, varying between if the achievements has been earned or not
gui-achievements-material-unearned: gray_dye
gui-achievements-material-earned: lime_dye
# The background material in the achievements gui
gui-achievements-backgroundmaterial: air
# If the achievements gui should be centered
gui-achievements-centered: false
# The background material in the spectator teleport gui
gui-spectatortp-backgroundmaterial: air
# If the spectator teleport gui should be centered
gui-spectatortp-centered: false
# ========== CUSTOM MOTD ==========
# If this config is enabled, this plugin will change the motd
motd-enabled: false
# Type in here the name of your arena to make more multiple placeholders possible
motd-arena: ''
# How the motd has to look like (motd-enabled has to be true)
# Placeholders: {arena}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {status}, {statusname}
motd-line1: '&bBedwars &3{arena} {status}'
motd-line2: '{players}/{maxplayers}'
# ========== SIGN ==========
# Configurations for the antispam at a sign you can create with "/bw spawn joinarenasign <arena>"
sign-antispam-enabled: true
sign-antispam-delay: 1.0
# The text of the lines by the sign you can create with "/bw spawn joinarenasign <arena>"
# Placeholders: {arena}, {status}, {players}, {maxplayers}, {teams}, {teamsize}
sign-line1: '&9{arena}'
sign-line2: '&7------------------'
sign-line3: '{status}'
sign-line4: '&e{players}&7 / &e{maxplayers}'
# A block will be placed under each sign with the material of 'signblock-material' and the color of 'signblock-color-*' if this config is enabled
signblock-enabled: false
# The material of the block
signblock-material: minecraft:white_terracotta
# The color of the block at the specific states
signblock-color-stopped: RED
signblock-color-lobby: YELLOW
signblock-color-running: ORANGE
signblock-color-reseting: RED
# The text of the lines of the stats sign which you can create with "/bw spawn rankingsign <place>"
# Placeholders: {player}, {rank}, {kd}, {wl}, {winstreak}, {wins}, {loses}, {kills}, {deaths}, {bedsdestroyed}, {roundsplayed}, {playtime}, {finalkills}
statssign-line1: '&8&m--&r &8#{rank} &8&m--'
statssign-line2: '&l{player}'
statssign-line3: '&c&l{wl}'
statssign-line4: W/L
# ========== SCOREBOARD ==========
# If this config is disabled, players aren't getting a scoreboard (black box at the right from their screen)
scoreboard-enabled: true
# The look of the heart on the scoreboard during different team states
# The placeholder is available as {heart} in the eachteam line of the scoreboard
# Placeholders: {playersremaining}
scoreboard-heart-alive: '&c❤'
scoreboard-heart-bed-gone: '&c{playersremaining}'
scoreboard-heart-dead: '&7❤'
# This placeholder is available as {team-indicator} in the eachtime line of the scoreboard.
# Can be used to indicate the players team
scoreboard-team-indicator-placeholder: '&7You'
# Whether the ingame scoreboard should display empty teams or not
scoreboard-ingame-display-emptyteams: false
# The order in which teams will display on the scoreboard
# ========== CHAT ==========
# If this config is enabled, every title-message will be sent to the player in the chat
# Read more about titles right here:
title-inchat: false
# Bukkit plugins listen to so called "events". The order of each plugin is determined by priorities.
# This config changes the priority in which the plugin listens to the chat event.
# You may choose between the priorities: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST, MONITOR (not recommended)
# LOWEST gets called first, MONITOR the last.
# If you aren't having any conflicts with other plugin (because your e.g. not using a chat plugin), then you should leave this config as it is.
chat-event-listener-priority: HIGH
# If this config is enabled, player will have to write <teamchat-public-prefix> to write with other teams
# The chat prefix will get disabled if there is only one person on the team
teamchat-enabled: true
# What prefix players have to write before their message to chat with other teams
# Examples:
# Hello mates - only visible for team mates
# @hello others! - visible for everyone
teamchat-public-prefix: '@'
# The prefix that will be added to the message to make the people know that he's writing globally
# With "customchatmessage-enabled" set to true: Replaces {public-prefix} placeholder with this one (allowing you to add it anywhere in the message)
# It being set to false: Adds this behind the message written
teamchat-public-prefix-msg: '&7[ALL] '
# Whenever a player sends a message, the plugin is going to hint them once every few days on how write globally
# The messages that will get send are "TeamChat_Enabled_Hint" and "TeamChat_Disabled_Solo_Hint" (found in the messages file)
teamchat-hint-enabled: true
# If this config is enabled, chat-messages are getting changed as specified at customchatmessage-message
customchatmessage-enabled: false
# Change the chat-messages (customchatmessage-enabled has to be enabled for this)
# You may use PlaceholderAPI placeholders as well. Note that not all may work due to the chat being an async operation.
# We'd recommend to just use the following placeholders:
# - {teamcolor} - The color code of the player's team
# - {public-prefix} - The value of "teamchat-public-prefix-msg" if he wrote globally or empty
# - {team} - The name of the player's team
# - {team-initials} - The initials of the player's team
# - {chat} - Whatever would have been shown before MBedwars would change it (Contains everything, such as the player's name, the message, etc.)
# - {essentialsgroupmanager} - Players group (Requires EssentialsGroupManager)
# - {name} - The display name of the player
# - {message} - The message that has been written
customchatmessage-message: '{public-prefix}&7[{teamcolor}{team}&7] &f{chat}'
# What should be used for the {team} placeholder if the player isn't in a team
customchatmessage-message-placeholder-team-none: /
# What should be used for the {teamcolor} placeholder if the player isn't in a team
customchatmessage-message-placeholder-teamcolor-none: '&c'
# If this config is enabled, custom-chat-messages are only getting changed for playing players
customchatmessage-onlyfor-players: true
# If this config is enabled, chat-messages by an spectator are getting changed as specified at customchatmessage-message
# Affects even without "customchatmessage-enabled" being enabled
customchatmessage-spectator-enabled: true
# If this config is disabled, chat-messages by an spectator will only be visible for other spectators
customchatmessage-spectator-public: false
# Change the chat-messages by a spectator (customchatmessage-spectator-enabled has to be enabled for this)
# You may use PlaceholderAPI placeholders as well. Note that not all may work due to the chat being an async operation.
# We'd recommend to just use the following placeholders:
# - {chat} - Whatever would have been shown before MBedwars would change it (Contains everything, such as the player's name, the message, etc.)
# - {essentialsgroupmanager} - Players group (Requires EssentialsGroupManager)
# - {name} - The display name of the player
# - {message} - The message that has been written
customchatmessage-spectator-message: '&7<Spectator> &f{chat}'
# If this config is enabled, messages by players who aren't playing won't be visible for players who are playing
chat-others-unvisible: false
# If enabled then messages by playing players will be hidden for players who aren't playing (except spectators) in the same arena
chat-playing-private: false
# ========== ENTITY TYPE ==========
# The name of the dealer you can spawn with "/bw spawn dealer" or within "/bw arena setupgui"
# It's possible to have multiple lines by simply splitting the lines through a \n
# Note that "/bw reload" won't have any effect. You must restart your server after a change
dealer-title: '&eDEALER'
upgradedealer-title: '&6UPGRADES'
# Allow players to left click on the dealer to open the shop, by default only right click is permitted.
# This is always enabled for bedrock players for compatibility reasons.
dealer-left-click-openshop: false
# Whether or not it should open the shop when you click on a villager that you didn't spawn with "/bw spawn dealer"
villager-interact-openshop: true
# Run a command when you interact a villager that you did not spawn with "/bw spawn dealer". Leave it empty to disable
# Placeholders: {player}, {playeruuid}, {entityid}
villager-interact-runcommand: ''
# True: The console will execute 'villager-interact-runcommand'
# False: It'll act like if the player wrote the command
villager-interact-runcommand-asop: false
# You can change the hologram types for the dealer, hub and teamselect here.
# Wiki entry:
# You can choose between:
# - Villager
# - NPC[<UUID from owner of skin>]
# - NPC[self]
# - ArmorStand{<Parameters>}
entitytype-dealer: Villager
entitytype-arenasguistatue: Villager
entitytype-teamselect: Villager
entitytype-upgradedealer: Villager
# ========== PLACEHOLDERS ==========
# This string will be used for the provided PAPI placeholders whenever the player is not inside an arena
placeholderapi-not-inside-arena: /
# Create custom mode placeholders to how many players are in certain arenas
# Example: Config -> 'bigArena: [teams=12]' PAPI Placeholder -> '%mbedwars_players-in-mode-bigArena%'
# Read more about arena pickers:
all: '[]'
quads: '[players_per_team=4]'
doubles: '[players_per_team=2]'
trios: '[players_per_team=3]'
solos: '[players_per_team=1]'
# Create custom mode placeholders to how many players are in certain arenas
# Example: Config -> 'bigArena: [teams=12]' PAPI Placeholder -> '%mbedwars_players-in-mode-bigArena%'
# Read more about arena pickers:
# The format of the dates which are being used
dateformat: MM.dd.yyyy
# The value that %mbedwars_playerarena-current-team-color% returns if a player does not have a team
placeholderapi-no-team-color: ''
# How player names should be formatted throughout the plugin
# AUTO - Returns the player nick if one exists, otherwise returns the player's name
# DISPLAY_NAME - Returns the player's display name
# REAL_NAME - Returns the player's unformatted name
players-public-displayed-name: AUTO
# The ip for the placeholder {ip} in the scoreboard
# Allows you to display all of the teams, in the current arena, in a horizontal line.
# To use this feature, simply add this placeholder into the ingame scoreboard config file: {teamsleft}
# Placeholders: {team}, {teamcolor} {playersremaining}
scoreboard-ingame-teamsleft: '{teamcolor}▣'
scoreboard-ingame-teamsleft-bed-gone: '{teamcolor}{playersremaining}'
scoreboard-ingame-teamsleft-dead: '{teamcolor}X'
# ========== PLUGIN: PvPLevels ==========
# Enabling this will give players a specified amount of exp if they do something special like breaking a bed
# Requires of course the plugin PvPLevels
pvplevels-enabled: true
# The amount of exp that'll be given for doing an event
pvplevels-exp-win: 100
pvplevels-exp-lose: 60
pvplevels-exp-beddestroy: 20
pvplevels-exp-killplayer: 5
pvplevels-exp-killplayer-final: 7
pvplevels-exp-killplayer-lastinteam: 8
# ========== PLUGIN: DKCoins/NickAPI (Coins) ==========
# Enabling this will give players a specified amount of coins if they do something special as breaking a bed
# Obviously requires DKCoins or NickAPI installed
coins-enabled: true
# The amount of coins that'll be given for doing an event
coins-give-win: 100
coins-give-lose: 60
coins-give-beddestroy: 20
coins-give-killplayer: 5
coins-give-killplayer-final: 7
coins-give-killplayer-lastinteam: 8
# ========== PLUGIN: Parties/PaF etc. ==========
# Make members of a party follow their leader if he joins an arena
# This is for any plugin that has a party system that is hooked into this plugin
# See the wiki for more info:
parties-member-follow-enabled: true
# ========== AUTOMATIC JOIN ==========
# If this config is enabled, people will automatically join an arena if they're joining the server.
# IMPORTANT: It's NOT recommended to use this with BungeeCord. We recommend you to use the BungeeCord Addon!
autojoin-enabled: false
# Specify the arena they will enter (autojoin-enabled has to be enabled for this)
# Did you enable "voting" and would like to make people automatically spectate the active match?
# Or did you enable "voting" and would like to auto-start a new arena with your active Cloud System?
# Then you might want to insert the following: %best_prefer_non_voting[status=3 | type="voting"]%
# Read more about arena pickers:
autojoin-arena: ''
# Enable this if you don't actually want to make the player automatically join an arena,
# but instead would like to only send him back using the below configs
# If this config is set to true, then the config "autojoin-arena" has no use
autojoin-only-send-back: false
# Specify the way how the player should be send back.
# You can choose between 'Kick', 'BungeeCord' and 'Nothing'.
autojoin-way: Kick
# Make sure to fill this if you chose BungeeCord above.
# Remember: This won't work with the BungeeCord Add-On
autojoin-way-bungeecord-lobby: name_of_lobby
# ========== CLOUDSYSTEM ==========
# If config is enabled, this plugin will send the arena data which has been specified in the config 'cloudsystem-arena' to the CloudSystem
# Currently supported CloudSystems: CloudSystemIO, CaveCloud, CloudNetV2, CloudNetV3, TimoCloud, ReformCloud
# Wiki page:
cloudsystem-enabled: false
# Specify here which arena should be send to the CloudSystem
cloudsystem-arena: ''
# What the extra field should be.
# If the config does not have an extra field, the motd will be set with the extra.
# You can choose between:
# - NONE
cloudsystem-extra: ARENA
# ========== STORAGE ==========
# Define where exactly player-data (and some general data) shall be stored at
# Viable options are:
# Note that you may always migrate using the "/bw tools migrate service" command
storage-type: LOCAL
# The settings of your SQL database
sql-host: localhost
sql-port: 3306
sql-database: mbedwars
sql-user: root
sql-password: '123456'
# Do not change it unless you actually know what you are doing. Things might break if you are not cautious
# This config has no effect for MICROSOFT_SQL
sql-parameters: ?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&allowMultiQueries=true&serverTimezone=UTC
# These configs are explicit to MICROSOFT_SQL
sql-mssql-encrypt: true
sql-mssql-integrated-security: false
# The settings of your MongoDB database
mongodb-host: localhost
mongodb-port: 27017
mongodb-use-ssl: false
mongodb-database: mbedwars
mongodb-authenticate: false
mongodb-user: root
mongodb-password: '123456'