Placeholders can be compared with variables.
They can be added to amongst other things in messages, the plugin will later automatically replace them.
An example:
Mathew currently has %amount_of_diamonds% diamonds in his inventory
Will, once processed, shown as:
Mathew currently has 5 diamonds in his inventory
A typical PlaceholderAPI plugin provides an API for other plugins to use, by that making the life for anyone easy.
Plugins are able to register their own placeholders or use the ones which are already registred.
MBedwars can do both, if configurated.
We used to support MVdWPlaceholderAPI. But due its strict restriction we've removed that.
As of now we only supports PlaceholderAPI - the probably most popular one.
/papi info mbedwars
to find a list of all placeholders that you can use.
Value | Description |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-displayname% | Display name (custom name of the arena if active, otherwise the normal name) |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-authors% | All authors of the arena |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-players% | Amount of players |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-maxplayers% | Maximum amount of players that can join the arena |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-minplayers% | Minimum amount of players required to start the lobby countdown |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-status% | Current status of the running (running, lobby etc.). Uses "Sign_*" from messages file |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-teams% | Amount of teams |
%mbedwars_arena-<arena>-teamsize% | Amount of players per team |
Displays value of placeholderapi-not-inside-arena
(config.yml) when the player isn't in any arena.
Value | Description |
%mbedwars_playerarena-name% | Name of the arena |
%mbedwars_playerarena-displayname% | Display name (custom name of the arena if active, otherwise the normal name) |
%mbedwars_playerarena-authors% | All authors of the arena |
%mbedwars_playerarena-players% | Amount of players |
%mbedwars_playerarena-maxplayers% | Maximum amount of players that can join the arena |
%mbedwars_playerarena-minplayers% | Minimum amount of players required to start the lobby countdown |
%mbedwars_playerarena-status% | Current status of the running (running, lobby etc.). Uses "Sign_*" from messages file |
%mbedwars_playerarena-teams% | Amount of teams |
%mbedwars_playerarena-teamsize% | Amount of players per team |
%mbedwars_playerarena-current-team% | Name of the players current team. Returns nothing if he isn't in any |
%mbedwars_playerarena-current-team-color% | Colorcode (e.g. &e) of the players current team. Returns nothing if he isn't in any |
%mbedwars_playerarena-current-team-initials% | Initials of players current team. Returns nothing if he isn't in any |
%mbedwars_playerarena-team-<team>-size% | Amount of players that are in that team |
%mbedwars_playerarena-team-<team>-status% | Displays either "Scoreboard_BedState_Destroyed" or "Scoreboard_BedState_Alive" (from the messages file) |
%mbedwars_playerarena-countdown% | Displays the remaining time (hh:ss format) until either the match ends (if the arena is running), or the remaing time (hh:ss format) until the match begins (during lobby state) |
%mbedwars_playerarena-running-time% | Displays the time (hh:ss format) the match is already running |
You may add custom ones using the player-picker-placeholder
configuration (config.yml).
Value | Description |
%mbedwars_players-in-mode-all% | Total amount of players currently playing a match |
%mbedwars_players-in-mode-solos% | Total amount of players playing a solo match (solo = 1 player per team) |
%mbedwars_players-in-mode-doubles% | Total amount of players playing a duo match (duo = 2 players per team) |
%mbedwars_players-in-mode-trios% | Total amount of players playing a trio match (trio = 3 players per team) |
%mbedwars_players-in-mode-quads% | Total amount of players playing a quad match (quad = 4 players per team) |
You may add custom ones using the API. These ones are the default ones.
Basical layout is %mbedwars_gamestats-<id>%
Value | Description |
%mbedwars_gamestats-kills% | Amount of killed enemies |
%mbedwars_gamestats-final_kills% | Amount of killed enemies after breaking their bad |
%mbedwars_gamestats-deaths% | Amount of times he died |
%mbedwars_gamestats-kd% | Amount of kills divided by amount of deaths (kills / deaths) |
%mbedwars_gamestats-final_kd% | Amount of final kills divided by amount of final deaths |
%mbedwars_gamestats-beds_destroyed% | Amount of broken beds |
%mbedwars_gamestats-play_time% | The time he has been playing in String format |
You may add custom ones using the API. These ones are the default ones.
Basical layout is %mbedwars_stats-<id>%
Value | Description |
%mbedwars_stats-rank% | His current place on the leaderboard |
%mbedwars_stats-wins% | Amount of times he has won a match |
%mbedwars_stats-loses% | Amount of times he has lost a match |
%mbedwars_stats-win_streak% | Current win streak (amount of times he has won in a row) |
%mbedwars_stats-top_win_streak% | Greatest win streak (amount of times he has won in a row) he ever had |
%mbedwars_stats-rounds_played% | Amount of times he was a part of a match (does not include rejoins) |
%mbedwars_stats-wl% | Amount of wins divided by the amount of loses (wins / loses) |
%mbedwars_stats-kills% | Amount of killed enemies |
%mbedwars_stats-final_kills% | Amount of killed enemies after breaking their bad |
%mbedwars_stats-deaths% | Amount of times he died |
%mbedwars_stats-final_deaths% | Amount of times he died with his bed being destroyed (causing him to be eliminated) |
%mbedwars_stats-kd% | Amount of kills divided by amount of deaths (kills / deaths) |
%mbedwars_stats-final_kd% | Amount of final kills divided by amount of final deaths |
%mbedwars_stats-beds_destroyed% | Amount of beds he has broken |
%mbedwars_stats-beds_lost% | Amount of his beds that were broken |
%mbedwars_stats-play_time% | The time he has been playing in String format |
Value | Description |
%mbedwars_achievements-earned-count% | Amount of achievements the player has earned |