The files can be found at /MBedwars/language/
. MBedwars supports multiple languages, hence there being one for all the supported ones. Note that each file must end with a .yml extension.
By default, MBedwars uses the english.yml
file. However, you may easily modify this by opening the config.yml
file and changing the value of the language-file
configuration file into the name of the file that you want to use instead. It also possible to load all files with the start of the plugin and translate all messages into the language that has been defined in the player's Minecraft settings. For this, all you have to do is to enable the language-per-user
configuration in the config.yml
file. It is recommended that you read the given notes as well.
All translations, apart from English and German, are being done by the community. Hence there being some messages that haven't been translated yet, or there being some faulty ones.
We (mostly the community) would greatly appreciate your contribution!
Also available at:
Click to open:
## Visit the wiki page for further info:
## Miscellaneous
prefix: '&3[Bedwars]'
configurations_reload_start: '&aConfigurations are now reloading!'
configurations_reload_end: '&aConfigurations were reloaded after &2{time} seconds'
configurations_reload_alreadyloading: '&cConfigurations are currently already reloading!'
info_madeby: Made by
info_specialthanks: Special thanks
info_website: Website
info_version: Version
info_newestversion: Newest version
page: Page
help: Help
team: Team
none: none
unknown_page: '&cUnknown page &4{page}'
unknown_argument: '&cUnknown argument &4{arg}'
unknown_block: '&cUnknown block &4{block}'
unknown_place: '&cUnknown place &4{place}'
unknown_spawner: '&cUnknown spawner &4{spawner}'
version_new: '&aA new version has been found! &2{version}'
version_nonew: '&cNo new version has been found!'
error_occurred: '&cAn error occurred!'
error_occurred_syntax: '&cA syntax error occurred: &6{message}'
no_permissions: '&cYou don''t have the correct permissions!'
no_permissions_specific: '&cMake sure that you either have the &4{perm} &cpermission
or OP'
onlyas_player: '&cThis only works as a player!'
not_ingame: '&cYou''re not in a round!'
not_ingame_player: '&4{player} &cis not in a round!'
not_supported: '&cThis is not supported for your Version! Please update to version
&4{version} &cor higher'
color_yellow: yellow
color_orange: orange
color_red: red
color_blue: blue
color_lightblue: light blue
color_cyan: cyan
color_lightgreen: light green
color_green: green
color_purple: purple
color_pink: pink
color_white: white
color_lightgray: light gray
color_gray: gray
color_brown: brown
color_black: black
missing_worldeditpoints: '&cMissing worldedit points!'
saved_arena: '&aArena &2{arena}&a has been saved!'
saved_bed: '&aSaved bed for the team {colorcode}{color} &ain the arena &2{arena}'
bed_notinside_arena: '&cFailed to add the bed since there''s no arena at that location.
Use "/bw arena setcorners" or "/bw arena setworld" to realign it'
exists_arena: '&cThe arena &4{arena} &calready exists!'
spawner_bronze: Bronze
spawner_iron: Iron
spawner_gold: Gold
spawner_diamond: Diamond
spawner_emerald: Emerald
added_spawner: '&aSpawner &2{spawnertype} &ahas been successfully added to &2{arena}!'
specialblock_added: '&aAdded a special block of type &2{type}'
specialblock_alreadyadded: '&cThere''s already a block of type &4{type}&c. Break it
to remove it'
specialblock_removed: '&6Removed special block of type &e{type}'
removed_spawners: '&2{number} &aspawners have been removed from {arena}!'
start_round: '&aRound is starting now.'
stop_round: '&aRound has been stopped.'
kicked_player: '&aSuccessfully kicked &2{player} &afrom &2{arena}'
kicked_player_toplayer: '&cYou were kicked from this round!'
list_arenas: '&eAll arenas: &6'
list_arenas_local: '&eLocal arenas: &6'
list_arenas_remote: '&cRemote arenas: &6'
only_betamember: '&cYou are now allowed to join while bedwars is in the beta!'
notavailable_color: '&cUnknown color &4{color}'
joinmessage_stopped: '&cThis arena is currently stopped!'
joinmessage_reseting: '&cThis arena is currently resetting itself!'
joinmessage_full: '&cThis arena is currently full!'
joinmessage_running: '&cThis arena is already running!'
joinmessage_alreadyinside: '&cYou are already inside the arena!'
joinmessage: '&6{player} &ehas joined this round.'
leavemessage: '&6{player} &eleft this round.'
notfound_player: '&4{player} &chas not been found!'
notfound_arena: '&cThere''s no arena with the name &4{arena}&c!'
notfound_arena_loading: '&6(Arena is currently loading)'
notfound_author: '&cThere''s no author named &4{author}&c!'
get_bed: '&aYou''ve got the bed of {colorcode}{color}'
getallbeds: '&aAll beds of the arena &2{arena}&a were given to you'
countdown_start: '&6The countdown is starting now!'
countdown_stop: '&6The countdown has been stopped!'
countdown_counting: '&6This round is starting in &e{number} &6seconds!'
countdown_changed: '&6The countdown has been changed to &e{number} &6seconds!'
countdown_voting_counting: '&6The arena voting ends in &e{number} &6seconds!'
toofew_materials: '&cYou''ve got too few materials to buy this!'
no_inventory_space: '&cYour inventory is already full!'
tooless_players: '&cInsufficient amount of players in this round!'
needmore_players_than: '&cYou need more players than &4{amount}&c!'
win_money: '&6You''ve won &e{number}&6$!'
player_notingameanymore: '&4{player} &cis not ingame anymore!'
player_notfound: '&4{player} &chas not been found!'
player_cheating: '&6{player} &ehas been kicked for cheating!'
player_loosing: '&6{player} &ehas lost this round!'
players: Players
team_won: '&eThe {colorcode}{color} &eteam has won this round!'
team_notaddedyet: '&cThe {teamcolor}{team} &cteam has not been added yet to the arena
changeteam_full: '&7The {colorcode}{color} &7team is already full!'
changeteam_alreadyinside: '&7You are already a member of the {colorcode}{color}&7
changeteam_changed: '&7You are now playing in the {colorcode}{color} &7team'
changed_postitions: '&aThe positions have been successfully changed!'
changed_lobbylocation: '&aThe lobby position of the arena &2{arena} &ahas been successfully
changed_teamspawn: '&aThe spawn position of the team {colorcode}{color} &ahas been
successfully changed!'
changed_arenaworld: '&aThe world of the arena &2{arena} &ahas been changed to &2{world}'
spawn_ranking: '&aA ranking statue at place &2{place} &ahas been successfully spawned!'
changed_gamedonelocation: '&aThe &2Hub Positions &ahas been successfully changed!'
stats_info_entry: '&7{name}: &b{value}'
stat_default_rank: Rank
stat_default_win_streak: Current win streak
stat_default_top_win_streak: Top win streak
stat_default_won: Won
stat_default_lost: Lost
stat_default_wl: W/L
stat_default_roundsplayed: Rounds played
stat_default_kills: Kills
stat_default_kill_streak: Current kill streak
stat_default_top_kill_streak: Top kill streak
stat_default_finalkills: Final kills
stat_default_deaths: Deaths
stat_default_finaldeaths: Final Deaths
stat_default_kd: K/D
stat_default_final_kd: Final K/D
stat_default_bedsdestroyed: Beds destroyed
stat_default_bedslost: Beds lost
stat_default_playtime: Time played
destroyed_bed_title: ''
destroyed_bed_subtitle: '{teamcolor}{team}&f''s bed has been destroyed by &7{player}&f!'
destroyed_bed_subtitle_playerless: '{teamcolor}{team}&f''s bed has been destroyed!'
destroyed_bed_own_title: ''
destroyed_bed_own_subtitle: '&fYour bed has been destroyed by &7{player}&f!'
destroyed_bed_chat: '%Prefix% %Destroyed_Bed_SubTitle%'
destroyed_bed_chat_left: '%Prefix% {teamcolor}{team}&f''s bed has been destroyed as
they left the game.'
destroyed_bed_chat_leftignoredrejoin: '%Prefix% {teamcolor}{team}&f''s bed has been
destroyed as they left and didn''t rejoin in time.'
number_notone: '&4{number} &cis not a number!'
stats_by: Stats by {player}
gui_achievements_title: '&6Achievements'
gui_selectteam_title: '&6Select team'
gui_spectator_teleporter: '&eTeleport'
gui_votearena_title: '&6Vote for an arena'
gui_votearena_votes: '&b{number} &3votes'
enabled_arena: '&2{arena} &ais now &2enabled!'
disabled_arena: '&2{arena} &ais now &4disabled!'
disabling_gracefully_arena: '&eDisabling running match within &6{arena} &egracefully,
it may take a short moment...'
create_arena: '&2{arena} &ahas been successfully created!'
remove_arena: '&2{arena} &ahas been successfully removed!'
usage: '&6Usage: &e{usage}'
search_update: Searching for an update...
offline_updateservice: The update-service is probably offline!
inwork_job: This job is already in work!
newupdate: A new update has been found
nonewupdate: There is currently no update for this resource!
- '&cThe arena &4{arena}&c has to be stopped!'
- '&6You may use the following command: &e{command}'
arena_joinissue_worlddoesntexists: '&cThe arena &4{arena}&c has an issue: The world
doesn''t exist!'
fixproblemsbeforeenabled: '&cPlease fix these problems before enabling'
use_trueorfalse: '&cUse <true/false>!'
reseting_now: '&2{arena} &ais now being regenerated!'
reseting_start_failed: '&cFailed to start regeneration of the arena &4{arena}'
reseting_start_failed_alreadyrunning: '&cFailed to start the regeneration process
of the arena &4{arena}&c as already an other one is running'
locateplayer_notinarena: '&4{player} &cis online, but is not inside an arena.'
- '&3======= &b{player} &3======='
- '&2Server: &a{server}'
- '&2Activity: &a{activity}'
- '&2Arena: &a{arena}'
- '&2Arena Status: &a{arena-status} ({arena-players}/{arena-max-players})'
locateplayer_click_to_spectate: '&e&lClick here to spectate {player}'
notsameworld_arena: '&cYou are not in the world of &4{arena} &c(&4{world}&c)!'
problem_arena_world: '&cThere is a problem with the world of the arena &4{arena}&c!'
fixproblemwith: '&eFix this problem with: &6'
spawned_lobbyvillager: '&2lobbyvillager &ahas been successfully spawned!'
spawned_teamselectvillager: '&2teamselectvillager &ahas been successfully spawned!'
spawned_dealer: '&2Dealer &ahas been successfully spawned!'
spawned_upgradedealer: '&2Upgrade Dealer &ahas been successfully spawned!'
notlooking_atsign: '&cYou''re not looking at a sign!'
notlooking_atplayerhead: '&cYou''re not looking at a player head!'
sign_lobby: '&eLobby'
sign_running: '&6Running'
sign_stopped: '&cStopped'
sign_reseting: '&aResetting'
enabled: Enabled
disabled: Disabled
notallowed_beddestroy: '&cYou''re not allowed to destroy your own bed!'
notallowed_selectcolor: '&cYou''re not allowed to select the color {colorcode}{color}&c!'
lobby_item_achievements: '&6Achievements'
lobby_item_forcestart: '&eForce start'
lobby_item_leave: '&cLeave'
lobby_item_leave_use: '&aYou will be teleported back to the lobby in {time} seconds'
lobby_item_leave_cancel: '&c&lTeleport Canceled'
lobby_item_selectteam: '&eSelect team'
lobby_item_votearena: '&eVote for an arena'
lobby_printmapinfo_arenaname: Arena Name
lobby_printmapinfo_buildby: Build by
spectator_item_teleporter: '&eTeleport'
spectator_item_changespeed: '&eChange Speed'
spectator_item_leave: '&cLeave'
spectator_item_nextround: '&6Change Arena'
arrow_damage: '{targetcolor}{target} &eis now at &c{health} &ehealth'
trap: '&eSomeone walked over your trap!'
magicmilk_use: '&eTraps will not be able to detect your for {time} seconds!'
teleporter: '&eTeleporting you in a few seconds...'
teleporter_failed: '&cTeleportation has been stopped!'
bridge_notenoughmaterials: '&cYou need more materials of &4{material}&c!'
give_spawner: '&aGave &2{amount} &aof &2{spawner} &ato &2{target}'
teleport_success: '&aYou were successfully teleported to the arena &2{arena}'
lobby_waiting: '&6Waiting for &e{amount}&6...'
lobby_enough: '&6There''re enough players in this round!'
alreadyinside_arena: '&cYou''re already inside an arena!'
requires_worldedit: '&4WorldEdit &cis required for that!'
crashmessage_missingbed: Missing bed locations
crashmessage_missingteamspawn: Missing team-spawnpoints
crashmessage_missinglobbylocation: Missing lobby location
crashmessage_missinggamedonelocation: Missing hub-position
crashmessage_missinggameworld: Game world hasn't been set
crashmessage_missingcorners: Corners haven't been set
crashmessage_uppercorneroutofbounds: Upper corner is greater than the worlds's max
crashmessage_lowercorneroutofbounds: Lower corner is less than the worlds's min height
crashmessage_worldtypearenainmainworld: The arena's regeneration type is WORLD, and
the arena's world is the server's main world
crashmessage_matchareacolliding: Match area collides with other arenas
crashmessage_gamedonelocationinterfering: Your hub-position is within the match area
regeneration_done: '&aThe arena &2{arena} &ahas been successfully regenerated after
&2{time} seconds&a!'
regeneration_stopped: '&cThe regeneration of &4{arena}&c has been cancelled after
&4{time} seconds'
regeneration_fail: '&cRegeneration of &4{arena}&c has failed: &4{error}'
worldedit_changed: '&aChanged the position {id} to &2x{x} y{y} z{z}'
getpositionaxe: '&aGave you the &2position axe'
tracker_trackedplayer: '&aThis compass is now looking at the nearest tracked enemy.'
tracker_reusedelay: '&cWait &4{time} seconds&c until you can use a tracker again!'
tracker_failed_onlyone: '&4Failed to track nearest enemy: &cYou are the only player
in this round!'
spectator_join: '&6You''re now a spectator!'
spectator_leave: '&6You''re not a spectator anymore.'
spectator_howtoquit: '&eLeave this round using the command &6/bw leave'
recalculatestats_done: '&aDone after &2{time} seconds&a.'
endlobby_counting: '&6Teleporting you in &e{number} seconds &6to the lobby'
endlobby_bigtitle_win: '&6Victory!'
endlobby_smalltitle_win: '&7Your team won this round!'
endlobby_bigtitle_lose: '&cDefeat'
endlobby_smalltitle_lose: '{teamcolor}&l{team} &fwon this round!'
endlobby_bigtitle_nobody: ''
endlobby_smalltitle_nobody: '&c&nNobody &fwon this round.'
arenavoting_noavailablearenas: '&cThere''s no arena left. Sorry!'
arenavoting_arenasupdated: '&6The arenas in the arena voting has been updated.'
arenavoting_recount_noarenatovote: '&cResetting the countdown: There''s no arena to
vote for!'
arenavoting_end: '&6The following arena won the voting: &e{arena}'
arenavoting_recount_toofewplayers: '&cNeed &4{number}&c more players to play on this
arenavoting_minplayers: Min. players
forcestart_already: '&cGame is already starting!'
scoreboard_arenaname: Arena
scoreboard_arenamode: Mode
scoreboard_players: Players
scoreboard_arena: Arena
scoreboard_stats: Stats
scoreboard_gamestats: Game Stats
scoreboard_yourteam: Your Team
scoreboard_teams: Teams
bed_onlydestroyablewith_tnt: '&cYou can only destroy this bed with tnt!'
itemspawner_hologram_title: '{spawner} &fspawning in &7{time} &fseconds!'
maxplayers: Max. players
lobby_countdowntitle_goodluck: '&6Good Luck!'
minishop_title: '{title}&7 disappears in &8{time}seconds'
arenatype_notsupported: '&cThis is not supported for the type &4{type}&c of the arena
arena_autosavedblocks: '&eBlocks inside the arena were automatically saved!'
ranking_unranked: Unranked
wait_allarenasloaded: '&cWait until every arena has been successfully loaded!'
please_savearena: '&6Make sure to save your arena with: &e/bw arena saveblocks <arena
getsetuptool: '&aGave you the &2setup tool'
onetimepurchase: '&cYou are allowed to buy this only once!'
arenasgui_title: '&bArenas'
- '&cPlease change the location of your arena.'
- '&cIt''s intersecting with the arena: &4{arena}'
- '&6To change the location use the following command: &e{command}'
backup_list: '&6Backup Files'
backup_create_success: '&aCreated a backup with the name &2{name}&a after &2{time}
backup_create_exists: '&cThere''s already a backup with the name &4{name}'
backup_delete_success: '&aDeleted a backup with the name &2{name}'
backup_unknown: '&cUnknown backup &4{name}'
backup_restore_success: '&aSuccessfully restored the backup &2{name}&a after &2{time}&a
- '&6Are you really sure that you want to restore the backup &e{name}&6?'
- '&6If so, then please write the same command within the next 10 seconds'
scoreboard_bedstate_alive: '&aAlive'
scoreboard_bedstate_destroyed: '&cDestroyed'
death_spectate_respawnin_bigtitle: '&cYOU DIED!'
death_spectate_respawnin_smalltitle: '&6Respawn in &e{time} &6seconds'
spectator_changearena_noneavailable: '&cNo free arena is available!'
spectatoradd_failed_missinglocation: '&cFailed to add you as a spectator, as there
are no available points to teleport you at.'
saveblocks_fail_players: '&4Failed to save the blocks: &cThere are players in the
createarena_fail_mainworld: '&cIt is not possible to create an arena with the type
world in your main world!'
saveblocks_start: '&6Started blocks saving operation for the arena &e{arena}&6. Estimated
time: &e{time}'
saveblocks_fail_alreadyrunning: '&4Failed to save the blocks: &cOperation is already
saveblocks_fail_notstopped: '&4Failed to save the blocks: &cIt''s not stopped. (Stop
it with /bw arena setenabled {arena} false)'
saveblocks_fail_unknown: '&4Failed to save the blocks: &cA weird error of the type
{type} has occurred'
regeneration_fail_savingblocks: '&4Failed to start regeneration: &cIt''s currently
saving blocks.'
deathmessage_killed_1: '{teamcolor}{player} &7has been killed by &8{killerteamcolor}{killer}
&cwith &4❤{heartpercent}%'
deathmessage_killed_2: '{teamcolor}{player} &7lost a fight against &8{killerteamcolor}{killer}
&cwith &4❤{heartpercent}%'
deathmessage_killed_3: '{teamcolor}{player} &7was slain by &8{killerteamcolor}{killer}
&cwith &4❤{heartpercent}%'
deathmessage_void_1: '{teamcolor}{player} &7fell out of the world'
deathmessage_void_2: '{teamcolor}{player} &7fell down a bridge and is still falling'
deathmessage_explosion_1: '{teamcolor}{player} &7exploded in dozents of pieces'
deathmessage_explosion_2: '{teamcolor}{player} &7blew up'
deathmessage_fall_1: '{teamcolor}{player} &7broke all of his legs'
deathmessage_fall_2: '{teamcolor}{player} &7fell down from a high place'
deathmessage_fire_1: '{teamcolor}{player} &7was burned to death'
deathmessage_fire_2: '{teamcolor}{player} &7was burned alive'
deathmessage_default_1: '{teamcolor}{player} &7died'
spectator: Spectator
itemshop: Item shop
motd_loading: Loading...
toggle_display_spawner_enable: '&eSpawners of the arena &6{arena} &eare now being
displayed for everyone. Repeat the command to disable it'
toggle_display_spawner_disable: '&eSpawners of the arena &6{arena} &ewon''t be displayed
teamchest_title: '{team}''s Team Chest'
playerprivateinventory_title: Ender Chest
placeholderapi_stats_loading: Loading...
tnt_destroybed_name: TNT
timer_ending_soon: '&eThe game will end {minutes} minutes'
timer_ending: '&eMatch is ending in {seconds} seconds'
command_blocked: '&cYou may not execute this command while playing Bedwars'
cancel: Cancel
apply: Apply
authors: Authors
nobody: Nobody
customname_isenabled: Custom name is enabled
customname: Custom name
displayingname: Displaying name
list_spawners: '&6Amount of spawners added to the arena {arena}: &e{spawners}'
noarenaatpos: '&cThere''s no arena at your current position'
multiplearenasatpos: '&cThere are multiple arenas at your current position: &4{arenas}'
notinsidearena: '&cYou''re not inside the arena &4{arena}'
arenaname_contains_illegalchars: '&cThe arena name contains illegal characters'
teamspawn_notyet: '&cThe spawn point of &4{team}&c hasn''t been set yet for &4{arena}'
holo_add: '&aAdded a hologram at &2{coord}'
holo_list: '&6Holograms in {world}: &e{holos}'
holo_remove: '&aRemoved the hologram at &2{coord}'
holo_removenotfound: '&cThere''s no hologram at the given coordinates in the world
holo_removeall: '&aRemoved &2{amount}&a holograms in world &2{world}'
unknown_world: '&cThere''s no world with the name &4{world}'
addon_load_not: '&cThe given file is not an addon'
addon_load_already: '&cThe given addon is already loaded'
addon_load_unknown: '&cFile does not exist. Make sure to place it under &4{folder}'
addon_load: '&aLoaded addon &2{addon}'
addon_unload_notfound: '&cThere''s no addon with the name &4{addon}'
addon_unload_notaddon: '&4{plugin} &cis a plugin, but not an addon'
addon_unload: '&aUnloaded addon &2{addon}'
item_error_missinghandlerorcommand: '&4Please report this error to an admin: &cThe
item {item} is missing an handler or a command. Nothing is happening on use.'
arenasgui_list: ArenasGUI Layouts
arenasgui_by: By
arenasgui_openfor: '&eOpened arenasgui layout &6{layout}&e for &6{player}'
unknown_layout: '&cUnknown layout &4{layout}'
migration_start: '&eStarted migration of &6{origin}&e...'
migration_success: '&aSuccessfully migrated &2{origin}&a in &2{time}'
migration_failure: '&cFailed to migrate &4{origin}&c after {time}: &4{error}'
migration_failure_alreadyrunning: '&cA migration process with the same origin is already
playerdeath_cause_elimination: Elimination
rejoin_trying: '&eWe''re checking the previously played match...'
rejoin_alreadytrying: '&cYou''re already trying to rejoin your lastly played match!
Please wait a bit'
rejoin_failed_notactive: '&6You''re too late, the match isn''t running anymore'
rejoin_failed_teamdead: '&6You can''t rejoin the active match as your team has been
rejoin_failed_unknown: '&6We tried to let you in, but we may not due to internal rules'
rejoin_success: '&aThe match is still running! We''re now re-adding you to the match...'
rejoin_success_global: '&6{player} &ehas rejoined the {teamcolor}{team}&e''s team
and is now a part of the match'
hubpos_inactive_bungee: '&6Hub Positions &eare not active as you''re solving it via
arenaconvert_onlyspecifctypes: '&cYou may only change the regeneration type of the
arena &4{arena}&c to &4{types}'
arenaconvert_done: '&aChanged the regeneration type of &2{arena}&a from {prev} to
arenaproblem_savingblocks: '&cThe arena is currently saving its blocks. Try it again
in a few seconds'
teamchat_enabled_hint: '&eYour team members are the only ones who are going to see
your message. Begin it with "&6&l{tag}&e" to write globally'
teamchat_disabled_solo_hint: '&eYour message will be visible for all players (even
without a prefix) as you are playing solo'
remotearena_unsupportedoperation: '&cYou may not perform the given operation to remote
connecting_server: '&eYou are about to connect with the server'
remoteteleport_fail: '&cIt it is not possible to teleport to the server'
tphubfail_nohub: '&cWe failed to teleport you to the hub as no server is available'
try_again_shortly: '&ePlease try again shortly'
server_full: '&cThe server is full'
spectate_fail: '&cWe failed to add you as an spectator (Reason: {reason})'
join_fail: '&cWe failed adding you to the arena (Reason: {reason})'
erroraction_arenacloned: '&cYou may not perform that for cloned arenas'
arenabulk_performingaction: '&eThe action is being executed for &6{amount} arenas'
invalidatecache_alreadyempty: '&eThe player-data-cache is already empty'
invalidatecache: '&eFollowing locally cached info has been cleared: &6{stats} stats&e,
&6{achievements} achievements&e and &6{properties} properties'
playerdata_info_fetchtime: Fetch time
playerdata_info_earnedachievements: Earned achievements
playerdata_info_stats: Stats
playerdata_info_game_stats: Game Stats
playerdata_info_properties: Properties
playerdata_notfound: '&cWe couldn''t find any data for &4{target}'
- '&4!!!WARNING!!!'
- '&cAre you really sure you want to reset &4ALL stats&c for &4&lALL&c players who
have EVER played? If so, then please write the same command within the next {sec}
seconds. &nYou might want to create a backup.'
- '&4!!!WARNING!!!'
- '&cAre you really sure you want to reset &4ALL stats&c for the player &4&l{player}&c?
If so, then please write the same command within the next {sec} seconds.'
playerdata_stats_resetplayer_complete: '&aThe stats for {player} have successfully
been reset after {time}!'
playerdata_stats_resetallplayer_complete: '&aThe stats of all players on the server/network
have been reset after {time}!'
playerdata_stats_modify_complete: '&aSuccessfully updated ''{stat}'' to ''{new-val}''
for {player}. The player may need to re-log for rankings to update'
playerdata_stats_modify_fail: '&cWe were unable to update the stat ''{stat}'' for
playerdata_stats_notfound: '&cUnable to find a stats set called ''{stat}'''
identifyarena_none: '&cThere is no arena at the given position'
identifyarena_found: '&eFound arena &6{arena}'
- '&6Welcome welcome!'
- '&eTo make the setup of &lMarcely''s Bedwars &eas easy as possible, we offer you
the opportunity to set it up via a web interface (using your browser).'
- '&eNote that this is only for the initial setup. You can always configure anything
later on.'
initsetup_web: I want to use the fancy web interface (Click or type command {cmd})
initsetup_simple: I would rather just configure everything myself (Click or type command
initsetup_connecting: '&ePlease wait a little bit, we are preparing it for you.'
- '&cSorry, but we could not connect to our service. A firewall may be blocking it.'
- '&cPlease type the &4/mbedwars &ccommand and try again or skip the whole process
if it keeps failing.'
initsetup_ready: '&eVisit this URL to start the setup process: &6{url}'
initsetup_finish: '&eEverything is ready, have fun! Visit &6{url} &efor further help'
click: '*Click*'
members: Members
no_members: No members
antiabuse_statsnotcounted: '&cCertain stats weren''t counted as we detected potential
abuse. Please play fair!'
player_trigger_upgradetrap_bigtitle: '&cTRAP TRIGGERED!'
player_trigger_upgradetrap_smalltitle: '&fYour trap has been set off!'
player_trigger_upgradetrap_chat: '&cSomeone has triggered one of your team''s traps!'
achievement_get_title: New achievement!
## Setup GUI
setupgui_nextpage: Next page
setupgui_prevpage: Previous page
setupgui_goback: Go back
setupgui_yousure: Are you sure?
setupgui_noarenascreated: No arena has been created as of now
setupgui_mainbutton_modify: Modify created arenas
setupgui_mainbutton_create: Create a new arena
setupgui_mainbutton_misc_tools: Misc tools
- Spawn Dealer
- You can remove it by punching.
- Spawn Upgrade Dealer
- You can remove it by punching.
- Identify an arena
- Uses your current position.
- Set first corner
- Uses your current position.
- Useful when setting up a region arena.
- Set second corner
- Uses your current position.
- Useful when setting up a region arena.
setupgui_category_actions: Actions
setupgui_category_modify: Modify
setupgui_category_spawners: Spawners
setupgui_category_teams: Teams
setupgui_button_enable: Enable
setupgui_button_disable: Disable
setupgui_button_regenerate: Regenerate all blocks
setupgui_button_teleport: Teleport into the arena
setupgui_button_enter: Enter the game
setupgui_button_enterspectator: Spectate the game
setupgui_button_configure: Configure
- Set the lobby spawn
- Uses your current position
setupgui_button_rename: Change the name
setupgui_button_saveblocks: Save all blocks & entities
- Set the game world
- Uses your current world
- Save arena corners
- Make sure to set the corners using {tool}
- Set arena corner positions
- Uses your current position
- ''
- 'Left Click: Mark Corner 1'
- 'Right Click: Mark Corner 2'
- Set the spawn point for spectators
- Uses your current position
setupgui_button_delete: Delete the arena
setupgui_button_removeallspawners: Remove all added spawners
- Show all spawners
- Adds a small hologram above any spawner
setupgui_button_undisplayspawners: Hide all spawners
setupgui_button_getallbeds: Obtain the bed of every team
setupgui_spawnerbutton_obtainitems: '&fObtain {amount} items of {spawner}'
- '&fAdd a {spawner} &fspawner'
- Uses your current position
setupgui_spawnerbutton_removeall: '&fRemove all {spawner} &fspawners'
setupgui_teambutton_obtainbed: '&fObtain {team} &fbed'
setupgui_teambutton_teleportspawn: '&fTeleport to the {team}&f''s spawn point'
- '&fSet the spawn point for {team}'
- Uses your current position
setupgui_removearena_yes: '&a&lYES&f, remove the arena &l{arena}'
setupgui_removearena_no: '&c&lNO&f, keep the arena &l{arena}'
- Region
- Restrict the arena with a border.
- Players will see a visual effect of the border and won't be able to leave it.
- By this you're also able to create multiple arenas in a single world.
- Please visit the wiki for more detailed information.
- World
- There's no border and uses the whole world for the game.
- Easier to set-up but can be more heavy during regeneration.
- Please visit the wiki for more detailed information.
- Voting
- Not an actual arena in which you play.
- Instead only uses its lobby to vote in it.
- Players will be teleported to arenas of the type World or Region after the voting
has ended.
- Please visit the wiki for more detailed information.
setupgui_create_title: Create a new arena
setupgui_configure_title: Configure arena
setupgui_configure_auto_detect_teams_complete: '&6{amount} &epotential teams have
been detected using your current position'
- '&6Max Players:'
- '&7Current Max Players Per Team: &f{amount}'
- '&7Current Max Arena Players: &f{total-max-players}'
- '&6Min Players: &f{amount}'
- '&7Amount of players required to start'
setupgui_configure_totalplayers: '&6Max amount of total players in the arena: &f{amount}'
setupgui_configure_arenasbelowinpool: '&3&l⇩ &bArenas inside the voting pool &3&l⇩'
setupgui_configure_noarenasinpool: '&cNo arenas in the pool'
setupgui_clicktorename: Click to rename
setupgui_rename_title: Rename arena
setupgui_confirm_action: '&6Confirm your action by clicking the button within the
next few seconds again'
setupgui_configure_minplayers_toolow: ONLY FOR TESTING. With this, you may start a
match without any other player.
setupgui_button_modifyregioncorners_reminder_save: '&eDon''t forget to click on the
"save arena corners" button, otherwise your changes won''t get applied.'
- '&fRemove all nearby {spawner} &fspawners'
- Uses your current position
- '&c[REMOTE]'
- Managed by &o{server}
## Shop Layouts
shop_d_hypixel_available: '&8Available'
shop_d_hypixel_clicktobrowse: '&eClick to browse!'
shop_d_hypixel_items: '&8Items'
shop_d_hypixel_clicktopurchase: '&eClick to purchase!'
shop_d_hypixel_maxed: '&aMAXED!'
shop_d_hypixel_unlocked: '&aUNLOCKED'
shop_d_hypixel_cost: '&7Cost: &f{color}{amount} {type}'
shop_d_hypixel_goback: '&aGo Back'
shop_d_hypixel_tooexpensive: '&cYou don''t have enough {type}!'
shop_d_hivemc_clicktoview: '&b{icon} Click to view &l{item}'
shop_d_hivemc_goback: '&c&lGo back'
shop_d_hivemc_returntomenu: '&7Return to menu'
shop_d_hivemc_clicktogoback: '&b{icon} Click to go back'
shop_d_hivemc_clicktobuy: '&b{icon} Click to buy'
shop_d_hivemc_cost: '&6Cost'
shop_d_rewinside_shoptype_new: You are using the new and improved shop
shop_d_rewinside_shoptype_old: You are using the old shop
shop_d_rewinside_shoptype_switch: Click here to switch between the versions
shop_d_bergwerklabs_currentpage: '&bCurrent page'
shop_d_bergwerklabs_changepage: '&bPage {page}'
shop_d_bergwerklabs_buy: '&aBuy &7&o<Left click>'
shop_d_bergwerklabs_buy_tooexpensive: '&7Too expensive!'
shop_d_hypixelv2_clicktoview: '&eClick to view!'
shop_d_hypixelv2_seperator_categories: '&8⬆&7 Categories'
shop_d_hypixelv2_seperator_items: '&8⬇&7 Items'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_pageitem: '&bQuick Buy'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_emptyslot_name: '&cEmpty slot!'
- '&7This is a Quick Buy Slot!'
- '&bSneak Click &7any item in'
- '&7the shop to add it here.'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_menu_title: Adding to Quick Buy...
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_menu_set: '&eClick to set!'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_menu_replace: '&eClick to replace!'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_menu_representing: '&eAdding item to Quick Slot!'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_add_item: '&bSneak click to add to Quick Buy'
shop_d_hypixelv2_quickbuy_remove_item: '&bSneak click to remove from Quick Buy'
## Achievements
achievements_name_ragequit: Rage quit
achievements_name_winround: Winner
achievements_name_loseround: Loser
achievements_name_ownbeddestroyed: Traitor!
achievements_name_bestbow: OP Bow
achievements_name_userescueplatform: That was close!
achievements_name_useendepearl: Enderman
achievements_name_useminishop: Shopping Mama
achievements_name_killsomeonewithbow: Katniss
achievements_name_winin3minutes: Already over?!
achievements_name_killsomeonewithhalfaheart: Lucky strike
achievements_name_win100rounds: Champion
achievements_name_usebridge: Bridge constructor
achievements_name_useguarddog: Police guard
achievements_name_effectmagnetshoes: Magnetic force
achievements_name_useteleporter: Beam me up, scotty!
achievements_name_usetntsheep: Boom, boom, baby!
achievements_name_usetracker: I am going to find you. And kill you.
achievements_name_placetrap: Mine
achievements_name_runovertrap: IT'S A TRAP!
achievements_name_spend200resources: Wealthy
achievements_name_rankingintop3: E-Sports player
achievements_name_goodkd: Professional player
achievements_name_highplaytime: '#NoLife'
achievements_name_writeggatend: GG
achievements_name_winwithoutbed: Can't Touch This
achievements_name_die10secsafterbeddestruction: You didn't!
achievements_name_optaineveryachievement: Addicted
achievements_name_usefireball: Pew pew!
achievements_name_useinvispotion: Ghost Walker
achievements_text_ragequit: Leave a running round
achievements_text_winround: Win at least one round
achievements_text_loseround: Lose one round
achievements_text_ownbeddestroyed: Destroy your own bed
achievements_text_bestbow: Buy the best bow
achievements_text_userescueplatform: Use a rescue platform
achievements_text_useendepearl: Use an enderpearl
achievements_text_useminishop: Use a minishop
achievements_text_killsomeonewithbow: Kill someone with a bow
achievements_text_winin3minutes: Win a round in 3 minutes
achievements_text_killsomeonewithhalfaheart: Kill an enemy with half a heart
achievements_text_win100rounds: Win 100 rounds
achievements_text_usebridge: Use the bridge-item
achievements_text_useguarddog: Summon a guard dog
achievements_text_effectmagnetshoes: Use magnet shoes to defend against knockback
achievements_text_useteleporter: Use the teleporter item
achievements_text_usetntsheep: Summon a TNT Sheep
achievements_text_usetracker: Use the tracker
achievements_text_placetrap: Place a trap
achievements_text_runovertrap: Trigger a trap by running over it
achievements_text_spend200resources: Spend 200 or more resources in the shop
achievements_text_rankingintop3: Rank in the top 3
achievements_text_goodkd: Have a K/D that's 5.0 or higher
achievements_text_highplaytime: Play for at least 5 hours
achievements_text_writeggatend: Write 'GG' at the end of a game
achievements_text_winwithoutbed: Win with your bed destroyed
achievements_text_die10secsafterbeddestruction: Die 10 seconds after your bed has
been destroyed
achievements_text_optaineveryachievement: Obtain every achievement
achievements_text_useinvispotion: Drink an invisibility potion
achievements_text_usefireball: Use a fireball
## Shop
shop_buygroup_buy_lowertier: '&cYou already have a higher tier item'
shop_player_not_in_running_arena: '&cYou''re not in a running arena!'
shop_price: 'Price: &7{number} {spawnercolor}{spawnertype}'
shop_page_block: Block
shop_page_food: Food
shop_page_armor: Armor
shop_page_sword: Sword
shop_page_bow: Bow
shop_page_pickaxe: Pickaxe
shop_page_potion: Potion
shop_page_special: Special
shop_page_extra: Extra
shop_item_hardenedclay: Hardened Clay
shop_item_endstone: Endstone
shop_item_chest: Chest
shop_item_enderchest: Enderchest
shop_item_ladder: Ladder
shop_item_web: Web
shop_item_apple: Apple
shop_item_grilledpork: Grilled pork
shop_item_cake: Cake
shop_item_goldenapple: Golden apple
shop_item_leatherhelmet: Leather helmet
shop_item_leatherleggings: Leather leggings
shop_item_leatherboots: Leather boots
shop_item_chainmailchestplatelvl1: Chainmail chestplate &7LVL 1
shop_item_chainmailchestplatelvl2: Chainmail chestplate &7LVL 2
shop_item_chainmailchestplatelvl3: Chainmail chestplate &7LVL 3
shop_item_knockbackstick: Knockback stick
shop_item_swordlvl1: Sword &7LVL 1
shop_item_swordlvl2: Sword &7LVL 2
shop_item_swordlvl3: Sword &7LVL 3
shop_item_bowlvl1: Bow &7LVL 1
shop_item_bowlvl2: Bow &7LVL 2
shop_item_bowlvl3: Bow &7LVL 3
shop_item_arrow: Arrow
shop_item_pickaxelvl1: Pickaxe &7LVL 1
shop_item_pickaxelvl2: Pickaxe &7LVL 2
shop_item_pickaxelvl3: Pickaxe &7LVL 3
shop_item_potionswiftness: Potion of Swiftness
shop_item_potionregeneration: Potion of Regeneration
shop_item_potionhealing: Potion of Healing
shop_item_potionstrength: Potion of Strength
shop_item_enderpearl: Enderpearl
shop_item_teleporter: Teleporter
shop_item_minishop: Minishop
shop_item_rescueplatform: Rescue platform
shop_item_tntsheep: TNT sheep
shop_item_magnetshoes: Magnet Shoes
shop_item_trap: Trap
shop_item_bridge: Bridge
shop_item_guarddog: Guard Dog
shop_item_tracker: Tracker
shop_item_fishingrod: Fishing Rod
shop_item_snowball: Snowball
shop_item_fireball: Fireball
shop_item_magicmilk: Magic Milk
shop_item_tnt: TNT
## Upgrade Shop
upgradeshop: Upgrade shop
upgradeshop_buy_upgrade_broadcast: '&e{player} upgraded &6{upgrade}&e to &6LVL {newlvl}'
upgradeshop_buy_trap_broadcast: '&e{player} purchased &6{upgrade}'
upgradeshop_toofew_materials: '&cYou dont have enough materials to buy this!'
upgradeshop_max_upgrade: '&cYou have already purchased this upgrade'
upgradeshop_buystate_purchasable: '&eClick to purchase!'
upgradeshop_buystate_not_purchasable: '&cYou dont have enough {price-type}!'
upgradeshop_buystate_maximum: '&aUNLOCKED'
- '&aTrap #{queue-level}: {trap-name}'
- '&7This trap will trigger'
- '&7immediately after an'
- '&7intruder enters your base'
- ' '
- '&7Note that is the intruder'
- '&7Is using Magic Milk, this'
- '&7trap may not trigger'
- '&cTrap #{queue-level}: No Trap!'
- '&7Purchasing a trap will'
- '&7queue it here. Its cost'
- '&7may scale based on the'
- '&7number of traps queued'
- '&8⬆ &7Purchasable'
- '&7⬇ &7Traps Queue'
- '&eBuy a trap'
- '&7Purchased traps will be'
- '&7queued below'
- ' '
- '&eUpgrades'
- '&eReturn to Upgrades'
- '&7Go back to view upgrades'
- '&7and traps queue'
- ' '
- '&eClick to return!'
upgradeshop_name_protection: Armor Protection
upgradeshop_description_protection: Increases armor protection
upgradeshop_name_haste: Haste
upgradeshop_description_haste: All players in your team permanently gain the haste
upgradeshop_name_healrange: Heal Station
upgradeshop_description_healrange: Heals you in your base
upgradeshop_name_sworddamage: Sharpness
upgradeshop_description_sworddamage: Increases the sword damage
upgradeshop_name_spawnermultiplier: Spawner Multiplier
upgradeshop_description_spawnermultiplier: Increases the spawn rate in your base
upgradeshop_name_enemyalarmtrap: Alarm Trap
upgradeshop_description_enemyalarmtrap: Removes Invisibility from infiltrating player
upgradeshop_name_counteroffensivetrap: Counter Offensive Trap
upgradeshop_description_counteroffensivetrap: Gives Speed II and Jump II too all team
members for 15 seconds
upgradeshop_name_enemyminingfatigue: Mining Fatigue
upgradeshop_description_enemyminingfatigue: Decreases the mining speed for enemies
entering your base
upgradeshop_name_enemytrap: Regular Trap
upgradeshop_description_enemytrap: Gives blind and slowness effect to the attacker
## Custom
arena_joinissue_votingparticipating: '&cYou may not join this arena right now. It
is a part of an active voting pool'
rejoin_failed_notparticipating: '&6You didn''t participate in any match yet'